In a May 3rd post, Tee related the story of Woody, Head Coach of the Yalaha Yazz in the short lived Zangari's South APBA Football League, throwing his dice shaker,after a turnover, through one of the front windows of the 340 Club. After the glass shattered, Woody merely said, "I will fix it tomorrow" and continued the game.
He did show up but lacked the necessary tools or know-how to rectify the situation so Cousin George Zangari stepped up and did the dirty work. Here is a pic of George replacing the Yazz damage.

This is now four consecutive posts from me,counting the obligatory Trivia segment although I see Tee has one in "draft form" which will be posted in between my entries. Maybe all my memory cells have not been compromised by my choice of liquid intakes. Just a FYI,I never drank the water at the 340 Club.
Woody told me that he did pay for all the materials needed to complete the job but he let George do the installation.
I'm sure he did but the Juke Box fund paid George for his labor.
What was the going rate for 340 repair work ?
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