Thanks Phil for those excellent photos ... easy to see now but - why didn't we get Ed to take a picture of the three of us ... me, Sil and Phil put in 7,213 days on West King Street representing 61% of all resident days on the block.
Max 2,730 days
Tee 2,669
Sil 2,363
Phil 2,181 (altho Phil's 1,937 at 340 is #1 at that address)
John 1,108
Sue 1,033
City L 846
AVG 791
Jimmy 427
Fox 252
Sh--foot 252
Randy 197
Mitchell 196
Clack 152
Dave 122
The Gilt 46
Dean 29
Dick often
In other news, the PowerPoint presentation expected to debut tonight has been cancelled. Although, when completed it will be available via e-mail to any interested parties ... the 340 Club is very grateful to its patrons and vendors who have contributed in excess of $600 (counting Randy's willingness to work at a fraction of his normal charge)... most of all the 340 Club is grateful to all who attend in person and in spirit ... THREE FORTY!

The 3rd periodic 340 Club Reunion has been postponed indefinitely
Before there was an Animal House there was a 340 Club; before there was a Dean Wormer there was a Harold "the fuck" Martin; before there was John Blutarsky or a Daniel Simpson Day there was Tim Lutter, Sil Simpson, Dan Joyce, Tim Getzloff, Dick Lichty, Jim Shay, Phil Zangari, Chris Joyce, Dave Petkosh, Mitch Herr, Kenny Giltner, Dean Staherski, Randy Brown, John Emswiler, Sue Krimmell Emswiler and myself; before there were any Delta Tau Chi pledge pins, there were 340 Club cards; before Otis Day & the Knights, the 340 Jukebox; before there were Delta Brothers there were the usual gang of idiots that congregated at 328, 340 (twice) and 338 West King Street in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for a decade beginning in August 1974. This blog is dedicated to those idiots and those times. God bless Kenny, Mitch and Chris; may they rest in peace.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Barnstormer Game,6/6/2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
This Could Be My Last Post Untill The Reunion
I am in the process of completing my packing, shitting, showering and shaving. Will be hopping in the car soon ... E-Town Sporting Goods, AlleyCat, Starr Plumbing, Hotel Brunswick, Auntie Anne's Grand Opening, a qwik bite, Lancaster Barnstormers, a few beers, zzz, awake, work on PowerPoint, archives, accounting, merely a shit and a shower this time, pick up Beverly, get Chris, get Phil, setup ... it will be 6/7, 7p, before ya know it.
Or, in the alternative, I might find a hot spot and be back online in the interim.
See you there ...
Or, in the alternative, I might find a hot spot and be back online in the interim.
See you there ...
On the 12th Day of 340
We honor you, the 340 Club members; thank you for the memories, hope to see some of you tomorrow night –
Kenny, Fred, Janice, Dave, Linnea, Clyde, Dimples, Jane, Helga, Sheryl, Bob, Dave, Donna, Sybil, Sue, Chris, Gene, Wanda, Cottontop, Dee, JJ, Fred, Steve, Mary, Jeri, Skyscraper, Barbette, Jason, Sandy, Deb, Sugar, Tim, Kathy, Tom, Theresa, Louie, Katie, Poochie, Susan, Suzanne, Gary, Tina, John, Hedgehog, Grabes, Accu, Moose, JV, Bobbi, Charlie, Sissy, Vicki, Daisy, Herb, Glenna, Dean, Mickey, Sis, Beth Ann, Sam, Daisy, Alice, John, Gloria, Bob, Chris, Pam, Eileen, Phyliss, Brenda, Chris, Huntz, Marlene, Craig, Frenches, Jim, Barbara, Marty, Marquita, Sue, Sadie, George, Sherry, Charlie, Tina, Tom, Dianne, Barbara, Mike, Becky, Betty, Sandy, Karen, Brenda, Nick, Dale, Ruth Ann, Bob, Carol, Karen,Lynne, Gail, Pat, Pat, Aaron, Sonya, Craig, Darcel, Kim, Marlene, Butch, Poochie, Wes, Yvette, Mary Ann, Butch, Shelly, Jose, Booty, Helen, John, Deanna, Denise, Priest, Rose, Ron, Pee Wee, Diana, Charlie, Hawky Dog, Carla, John, Renee, Ron, Cecilia, Tom, Sarah, Harry, Ann, Tex, Pat, Lisa, Pete, Rick, Bob, Shelby, Marty, Jackie, Eulinda, Dave, Gino, Ted, Nan, Evelyn, Pat, Tom, Vicki, John, Faye, Paula, Lynette, Barb, Cork, Mickey, Stan, Marie, Wanda, Don, Vonna, Pam, Arty, Sharon, Ralph, Ralph, Lale, Mike, Sharon, Brian, Regina, Brett, Michelle, Dawn, Manuela, Lori, Val, Scott, Bette, Jeffie, Dave, Ted, Woody, Julia, Bill, Leroy, Debbie, Vicki, Brenda, Dave, Val, Coach, Patty, Tasha, Sonya, Fred, Maxine, Ed, Clarice, Marvin, Zella, Susan, Jeff, James, Gary, Virginia, Barry, Jack, Gene, Geoffry, Don, Frank, Phil, Dave, Holly, Dick, Barry, Judy, Kellie, Deanna, Bruce, Tina, Diane, Chris, Anita, Cindy
Kenny, Fred, Janice, Dave, Linnea, Clyde, Dimples, Jane, Helga, Sheryl, Bob, Dave, Donna, Sybil, Sue, Chris, Gene, Wanda, Cottontop, Dee, JJ, Fred, Steve, Mary, Jeri, Skyscraper, Barbette, Jason, Sandy, Deb, Sugar, Tim, Kathy, Tom, Theresa, Louie, Katie, Poochie, Susan, Suzanne, Gary, Tina, John, Hedgehog, Grabes, Accu, Moose, JV, Bobbi, Charlie, Sissy, Vicki, Daisy, Herb, Glenna, Dean, Mickey, Sis, Beth Ann, Sam, Daisy, Alice, John, Gloria, Bob, Chris, Pam, Eileen, Phyliss, Brenda, Chris, Huntz, Marlene, Craig, Frenches, Jim, Barbara, Marty, Marquita, Sue, Sadie, George, Sherry, Charlie, Tina, Tom, Dianne, Barbara, Mike, Becky, Betty, Sandy, Karen, Brenda, Nick, Dale, Ruth Ann, Bob, Carol, Karen,Lynne, Gail, Pat, Pat, Aaron, Sonya, Craig, Darcel, Kim, Marlene, Butch, Poochie, Wes, Yvette, Mary Ann, Butch, Shelly, Jose, Booty, Helen, John, Deanna, Denise, Priest, Rose, Ron, Pee Wee, Diana, Charlie, Hawky Dog, Carla, John, Renee, Ron, Cecilia, Tom, Sarah, Harry, Ann, Tex, Pat, Lisa, Pete, Rick, Bob, Shelby, Marty, Jackie, Eulinda, Dave, Gino, Ted, Nan, Evelyn, Pat, Tom, Vicki, John, Faye, Paula, Lynette, Barb, Cork, Mickey, Stan, Marie, Wanda, Don, Vonna, Pam, Arty, Sharon, Ralph, Ralph, Lale, Mike, Sharon, Brian, Regina, Brett, Michelle, Dawn, Manuela, Lori, Val, Scott, Bette, Jeffie, Dave, Ted, Woody, Julia, Bill, Leroy, Debbie, Vicki, Brenda, Dave, Val, Coach, Patty, Tasha, Sonya, Fred, Maxine, Ed, Clarice, Marvin, Zella, Susan, Jeff, James, Gary, Virginia, Barry, Jack, Gene, Geoffry, Don, Frank, Phil, Dave, Holly, Dick, Barry, Judy, Kellie, Deanna, Bruce, Tina, Diane, Chris, Anita, Cindy
Thursday, June 5, 2008
On the 11th Day of 340
On the 11th day we moved in … (play the video, while scrolling down and reading)
The structure, a veritable mansion, stretched from what used to be called 328 West King Street to where the 340 itself stood. Of course, the Post Office assigned 340 as its address. In fact, 340 Club was recognized as itself an address kinda like the White House or the Empire State Building. It had a rather large yard stretching through the rear of what used to be 8 properties with a beautifully done stone wall holding up Strawberry Street. The well manicured yard was impeccably maintained. There was a large Jacuzzi, a large deck, and plenty of space for the pets to roam. There also was a nice trough like cement apparatus that always had Listerine infused water flowing to provide a spot for male guests to relieve themselves if the need arose.
The mansion was set back, off KIng Street, but only six feet further than was standard in order to preserve the feel of the City streetscape. The magnificent front door was centered somewhere near where the Waxhaw Design showroom used to be. It was accessed by climbing a spectacular white marble stoop that had three steps and covered an area at the top almost 500 square feet and covered an area at its base of about 700 square feet. There were a chaise lounge and a hammock located on both sides of the magnificent porch. While we didn’t take any of those pieces in at night; nobody fucked with them, probably because some member could usually be found occupying them 24/7 in various states of sobriety. The structure itself was four stories high. As one entered the domicile, a spectacular 18 foot wide staircase caught one’s view and it led to the second floor. A prominent feature of the stair was the inclined chair on the left so that Mitch, at first, and others in the future could get to their sleeping quarters. The stairway rose in the center of a great hall wall which sunk behind the stairs, theatre style to a large screen. The screen was used for movies and other projection views. When the screen was raised a giant flat screen TV was present and it when it was raised there was a panoply of 9 separate TVs all triple stacked so one could watch 9 different shows at once. State of the art sound, lighting was available. There were five rows of very comfortable seats with two sets of eight seats separated by a short aisle on each of the top two rows. The first three rows could seat 12 persons each with four wing chairs on the ends and three coaches stacked back to back to back in the center.
Directly behind that magnificent TV/Living Room were two rooms - the Kratzert & the Martin - on the edges each with TV/Stereo and the like which intruded into what was a grand dining room which had a rollaway ping pong table that fell out of the front wall and then rolled into the center of the room. There was also a hidden sunken pool table that rose out of the ground. Rumor had it that there was a dining room table that descended from the ceiling that could be dropped for mealtime. I’ve never seen that but I’m told it exists. Unfortunately, at 18 foot it is not long enough to hold a decent sized hoagie so I suppose it is not a practical table.
Finally, behind the ping pong room, separated by a magnificent bar that ran the half the length (on the west side) of the room was a full service kitchen with much counters and cabinets, dishwashers, full toilet, walk in refrigerator with a walk in freezer. There was a separate refrigerator with Sil’s name on it as well as two refrigerators dedicated to the golden beverage which enclosed a full keg system which could be accessed from a tap alongside resembling a standard half keg setup and also at the sink which had a handle that could provide hot water, cold water and beer. Again, similar to that table in the dining room, I have heard people say that there was a state of art stove top and oven but I can truly say I never noticed. On the East wall of the ping pong room there was a state of the art dollar bill operated audio/video device that played the latest CDs, VCRs, XYZs as well as 8 tracks and LPs. Next to it was an old Rock Ola GP160 that looked to be about 1969 vintage and was a little worse for wear but that was totally rehabbed to sound better than its modern cousin or even the theatre sound system. Still, you could play Bette Davis eyes for a thin dime. The entire collection of 500 45s from the Mighty 340 Club juke box was present in a shelf next to the Rock Ola. The walls of the 340 were filled with a venetian blind like sound proofing material that could be kept closed so that you could hardly hear anything on the outside OR open if you wanted that old tyme 340 effect.
The upper floors were accessed by front and rail simple stair ways and by an elevator in the rear. There were 8 suites on each of the 2nd and 3rd floors which were fully self contained and autonomous; each with at least two bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living room.
On two at the front were Phil (who maintained his personal residence there) and Dan. Behind them were Chris (permanent addressee) and Dean, behind them Mitch (permanent) and John/Sue (permanent) in the way back was Slick and a guest room.
Simalarly on three, Sil and Timmy were at the front. Timmy lived in Jersey but would bring family several times a year. Behind them were RE and Dave (who moved in with his wife); then Randy (permanent) and a guest room (which pretty much went unused unless Ellen (my daughter), Beverly (my lady) or her sons or family were visiting, with Jimmy (permanent) and another guest room in the wayback.
I lived on the 4th floor, which could only be accessed by the front staircase, and was now truly a penthouse. There was a small Spartan room that looked as if it had simply been lifted from the ol’ 340. It was painted black. Walls, ceiling and floor. There was a mattress, a record player, a chest of drawers, a concessionary IT stand with PC, laptop portal, several book cases. In the one corner were a nice matched set of mahogany sticks each about 14 inches long and about 1 ¼” in diameter. The room behind it was smaller and seemed to have not been painted in years and contained all sorts of clothing, APBA boxes, records, a Giant bear, books, clothing, half eaten bags of potato chips, hangers, an inflatable doll, unused baseball tickets, an old 8 mm projector, and a Nestle’s Quick Box.
Sometimes the latch at the bottom of the staircase leading from the third floor needed to be hooked.
The structure, a veritable mansion, stretched from what used to be called 328 West King Street to where the 340 itself stood. Of course, the Post Office assigned 340 as its address. In fact, 340 Club was recognized as itself an address kinda like the White House or the Empire State Building. It had a rather large yard stretching through the rear of what used to be 8 properties with a beautifully done stone wall holding up Strawberry Street. The well manicured yard was impeccably maintained. There was a large Jacuzzi, a large deck, and plenty of space for the pets to roam. There also was a nice trough like cement apparatus that always had Listerine infused water flowing to provide a spot for male guests to relieve themselves if the need arose.
The mansion was set back, off KIng Street, but only six feet further than was standard in order to preserve the feel of the City streetscape. The magnificent front door was centered somewhere near where the Waxhaw Design showroom used to be. It was accessed by climbing a spectacular white marble stoop that had three steps and covered an area at the top almost 500 square feet and covered an area at its base of about 700 square feet. There were a chaise lounge and a hammock located on both sides of the magnificent porch. While we didn’t take any of those pieces in at night; nobody fucked with them, probably because some member could usually be found occupying them 24/7 in various states of sobriety. The structure itself was four stories high. As one entered the domicile, a spectacular 18 foot wide staircase caught one’s view and it led to the second floor. A prominent feature of the stair was the inclined chair on the left so that Mitch, at first, and others in the future could get to their sleeping quarters. The stairway rose in the center of a great hall wall which sunk behind the stairs, theatre style to a large screen. The screen was used for movies and other projection views. When the screen was raised a giant flat screen TV was present and it when it was raised there was a panoply of 9 separate TVs all triple stacked so one could watch 9 different shows at once. State of the art sound, lighting was available. There were five rows of very comfortable seats with two sets of eight seats separated by a short aisle on each of the top two rows. The first three rows could seat 12 persons each with four wing chairs on the ends and three coaches stacked back to back to back in the center.
Directly behind that magnificent TV/Living Room were two rooms - the Kratzert & the Martin - on the edges each with TV/Stereo and the like which intruded into what was a grand dining room which had a rollaway ping pong table that fell out of the front wall and then rolled into the center of the room. There was also a hidden sunken pool table that rose out of the ground. Rumor had it that there was a dining room table that descended from the ceiling that could be dropped for mealtime. I’ve never seen that but I’m told it exists. Unfortunately, at 18 foot it is not long enough to hold a decent sized hoagie so I suppose it is not a practical table.
Finally, behind the ping pong room, separated by a magnificent bar that ran the half the length (on the west side) of the room was a full service kitchen with much counters and cabinets, dishwashers, full toilet, walk in refrigerator with a walk in freezer. There was a separate refrigerator with Sil’s name on it as well as two refrigerators dedicated to the golden beverage which enclosed a full keg system which could be accessed from a tap alongside resembling a standard half keg setup and also at the sink which had a handle that could provide hot water, cold water and beer. Again, similar to that table in the dining room, I have heard people say that there was a state of art stove top and oven but I can truly say I never noticed. On the East wall of the ping pong room there was a state of the art dollar bill operated audio/video device that played the latest CDs, VCRs, XYZs as well as 8 tracks and LPs. Next to it was an old Rock Ola GP160 that looked to be about 1969 vintage and was a little worse for wear but that was totally rehabbed to sound better than its modern cousin or even the theatre sound system. Still, you could play Bette Davis eyes for a thin dime. The entire collection of 500 45s from the Mighty 340 Club juke box was present in a shelf next to the Rock Ola. The walls of the 340 were filled with a venetian blind like sound proofing material that could be kept closed so that you could hardly hear anything on the outside OR open if you wanted that old tyme 340 effect.
The upper floors were accessed by front and rail simple stair ways and by an elevator in the rear. There were 8 suites on each of the 2nd and 3rd floors which were fully self contained and autonomous; each with at least two bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living room.
On two at the front were Phil (who maintained his personal residence there) and Dan. Behind them were Chris (permanent addressee) and Dean, behind them Mitch (permanent) and John/Sue (permanent) in the way back was Slick and a guest room.
Simalarly on three, Sil and Timmy were at the front. Timmy lived in Jersey but would bring family several times a year. Behind them were RE and Dave (who moved in with his wife); then Randy (permanent) and a guest room (which pretty much went unused unless Ellen (my daughter), Beverly (my lady) or her sons or family were visiting, with Jimmy (permanent) and another guest room in the wayback.
I lived on the 4th floor, which could only be accessed by the front staircase, and was now truly a penthouse. There was a small Spartan room that looked as if it had simply been lifted from the ol’ 340. It was painted black. Walls, ceiling and floor. There was a mattress, a record player, a chest of drawers, a concessionary IT stand with PC, laptop portal, several book cases. In the one corner were a nice matched set of mahogany sticks each about 14 inches long and about 1 ¼” in diameter. The room behind it was smaller and seemed to have not been painted in years and contained all sorts of clothing, APBA boxes, records, a Giant bear, books, clothing, half eaten bags of potato chips, hangers, an inflatable doll, unused baseball tickets, an old 8 mm projector, and a Nestle’s Quick Box.
Sometimes the latch at the bottom of the staircase leading from the third floor needed to be hooked.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The 10th day of 340
On the 10th day of 340 … the parties! Oh the parties
From humble beer parties with maybe a quarter keg and boys on one side of the room; girls on the other type affairs in the early days of the 328 Club to monster – wall to wall people, with an occasional copulating couple and massive quantities of booze, beer, contraband and noise – mashes in the last days of the 340. Other contrasts were timing … starting earlier and finishing earlier in the early days. In the end, if you started too early you might miss the party which typically started after the bars closed at 2.
It was the parties that found David Sturm & the Intelligencer Journal finding the 340 Club in 1981-82 as being the 3rd best night club in the county behind the Village and the Old Colony. As Coach said some 340ers would dispute even that lofty assesment. Looking back I wonder as Coach did how we lived in such open and unprivate circumstances. Like Mr. P sez the living room was never empty. I guess living on the third floor made it a little easier.
From humble beer parties with maybe a quarter keg and boys on one side of the room; girls on the other type affairs in the early days of the 328 Club to monster – wall to wall people, with an occasional copulating couple and massive quantities of booze, beer, contraband and noise – mashes in the last days of the 340. Other contrasts were timing … starting earlier and finishing earlier in the early days. In the end, if you started too early you might miss the party which typically started after the bars closed at 2.
It was the parties that found David Sturm & the Intelligencer Journal finding the 340 Club in 1981-82 as being the 3rd best night club in the county behind the Village and the Old Colony. As Coach said some 340ers would dispute even that lofty assesment. Looking back I wonder as Coach did how we lived in such open and unprivate circumstances. Like Mr. P sez the living room was never empty. I guess living on the third floor made it a little easier.
The Poet Laureate
Joyce Swords by Christopher E. Joyce, on the occasion of his parent's 50th wedding anniversary
Ed and Jane, Jane and Ed,
They often sent us off to bed
Alone at last Ed would cheer
Yes Jane would say ‘til early next year
First came Michael
Bold and strong
Very fitting
For son number one
Along came Patricia
May Queen, teacher and prudent
And along came Kevin
And Pat became the student
Then came Pete, tough as nails
But he always loved his family
I guess goodness prevails
Dr. Joyce hair so red
Doctor Joyce to Kathy wed
Two great kids
Good to grandmom
One great family
All good to grandpa
Down to me, as I read this poem
L love you all especially Dad and Mom
Who on this day we do honor
Who on every day, I live in wonder
I live with them, and I see their love
And it’s beautiful to marvel on
Down to Kathy – who’s been gone so long
Kathy was meant for another song
Phil came along, and it was instant toy,
What an athlete, what a brave little boy
Now I never knew he’d get bigger than I
Now he's strong as an ox and I’m the little guy
And Ogie Paul whatever your name
I’d take money on you from 25 and in
You work so hard with so many tasks
I’d like to hit the lotto and give you anything you ask
Along came Mary
Last but not least
I haven’t always told you what I mean
But your heart is true – your mind is too
You one of the prettiest women I ever knew
Mom – Dad from all of me
And all of your children we love you
Ed and Jane, Jane and Ed,
They often sent us off to bed
Alone at last Ed would cheer
Yes Jane would say ‘til early next year
First came Michael
Bold and strong
Very fitting
For son number one
Along came Patricia
May Queen, teacher and prudent
And along came Kevin
And Pat became the student
Then came Pete, tough as nails
But he always loved his family
I guess goodness prevails
Dr. Joyce hair so red
Doctor Joyce to Kathy wed
Two great kids
Good to grandmom
One great family
All good to grandpa
Down to me, as I read this poem
L love you all especially Dad and Mom
Who on this day we do honor
Who on every day, I live in wonder
I live with them, and I see their love
And it’s beautiful to marvel on
Down to Kathy – who’s been gone so long
Kathy was meant for another song
Phil came along, and it was instant toy,
What an athlete, what a brave little boy
Now I never knew he’d get bigger than I
Now he's strong as an ox and I’m the little guy
And Ogie Paul whatever your name
I’d take money on you from 25 and in
You work so hard with so many tasks
I’d like to hit the lotto and give you anything you ask
Along came Mary
Last but not least
I haven’t always told you what I mean
But your heart is true – your mind is too
You one of the prettiest women I ever knew
Mom – Dad from all of me
And all of your children we love you
Where are they now: Chris
Christopher Joyce, 340 Club, January 1977-June 1977
I lived at the 340 Club in the spring of 1977 while going to Millersville University. My housemates were Tee, Phil, Sil and Tim. It was one of the best times of my life. We spent a lot of time at Cassidy's Tavern drinking and playing the bowling game. Dick Lichty was the friendly bartender. We also went to the Village often on weekends to see the Bonnie Parker Band. It was lots of fun.
I moved back to Lancaster in 2001 I live in the Manor House Apartments. In February 2007 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and in the next 7 months I lost over 90 pounds and have kept it off. I’m unemployed but keep busy going to the gym everyday and walking around 12 miles per day. I’m looking forward to the 340 party and hoping it will be an annual event.
As you might figure, the above was submitted by Chris the other day. He will recite a new, for us, poem at Saturday's event.
I lived at the 340 Club in the spring of 1977 while going to Millersville University. My housemates were Tee, Phil, Sil and Tim. It was one of the best times of my life. We spent a lot of time at Cassidy's Tavern drinking and playing the bowling game. Dick Lichty was the friendly bartender. We also went to the Village often on weekends to see the Bonnie Parker Band. It was lots of fun.
I moved back to Lancaster in 2001 I live in the Manor House Apartments. In February 2007 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and in the next 7 months I lost over 90 pounds and have kept it off. I’m unemployed but keep busy going to the gym everyday and walking around 12 miles per day. I’m looking forward to the 340 party and hoping it will be an annual event.
As you might figure, the above was submitted by Chris the other day. He will recite a new, for us, poem at Saturday's event.
Where are they now: Tricky Dick
Dick Lichty, present at the birth and frequent guest, 328 Club
Good guy, good friend, lost but now found; its a better life with Dicky in it. I could tell a million stories about this young man. High school buddy, college chum, and then a very important cog in my early days and at 328/340.
RE is married, with two adult kids, and a wife and living quite comfortably in Elizabethtown. Dick is in sales and still could sell each of the nation’s 25 biggest skeptics a 10% share of the Brooklyn Bridge. He still keeps in great shape and has issued a challenge to our DJ, Randy Brown, to meet him on the mats for a renewal of their legendary best out of three match that took place in the 340 living room over 25 years ago.
Despite his keeping silent on his reunion plans, the ever watchful Big Brother, a great friend of the 340 Keg Man, has told the Keg Man that Dicky is 3rd behind only me and Phil in terms of time spent at the virtual 340 Club. Big Brown is 2-5 to win the Belmont; Dicky is not quite that much of a dead mortal lock to attend, the last Vegas odds I saw were 6-5 that he will; the real bet is how he makes his entrance. On horseback? naked? on a Harley w Mayor Gray? I dunno and I hesitate to predict.
Good guy, good friend, lost but now found; its a better life with Dicky in it. I could tell a million stories about this young man. High school buddy, college chum, and then a very important cog in my early days and at 328/340.
RE is married, with two adult kids, and a wife and living quite comfortably in Elizabethtown. Dick is in sales and still could sell each of the nation’s 25 biggest skeptics a 10% share of the Brooklyn Bridge. He still keeps in great shape and has issued a challenge to our DJ, Randy Brown, to meet him on the mats for a renewal of their legendary best out of three match that took place in the 340 living room over 25 years ago.
Despite his keeping silent on his reunion plans, the ever watchful Big Brother, a great friend of the 340 Keg Man, has told the Keg Man that Dicky is 3rd behind only me and Phil in terms of time spent at the virtual 340 Club. Big Brown is 2-5 to win the Belmont; Dicky is not quite that much of a dead mortal lock to attend, the last Vegas odds I saw were 6-5 that he will; the real bet is how he makes his entrance. On horseback? naked? on a Harley w Mayor Gray? I dunno and I hesitate to predict.
Where are they now: Crazee
Mitch Herr, 340 Club March 1978-August 1978
c/o Maple Farm Nursing Center
604 Oak Street
Akron, PA 17501
While not quite as mobile as in the 340 Club days, Mitch, based on personal observation at the Easter Saturday Shark’s show at the Village, is still a party animal and ladies man. There was a line to see him all night long but he managed to give me a couple of minutes and would love to hear from any of his friends at the above address. I have not given up hope of his attending; it is a matter of transportation
c/o Maple Farm Nursing Center
604 Oak Street
Akron, PA 17501
While not quite as mobile as in the 340 Club days, Mitch, based on personal observation at the Easter Saturday Shark’s show at the Village, is still a party animal and ladies man. There was a line to see him all night long but he managed to give me a couple of minutes and would love to hear from any of his friends at the above address. I have not given up hope of his attending; it is a matter of transportation
The List: 1984
Certainly one of the least popular; no that is not correct. Definitely the only category of topics on this blog - the virtual 340 Club - that caused a serious complaint was my insistance on labeling, if not naming, every woman with whom I had carnal knowledge of the deviant decade. As I said before if I have been offensive, sexist, racist, ignorant ... I did not mean to be. However, my habits and frankly the recording of same by not only me but by my Boswell, Philip, had to be recollected if I were going to give an honest description of the decade.
I will spare you any further details though. Suffice it to say 1984, the first half of 1984, saw five more entries to the list ... they were 112, 113, 114, 115 and 116. When all was said and done in the 3425 days between Valentine's Day 1974 and June 30, 1984 there were 116 women that knew me in the biblical sense. Of them, 59 were one night stands. 57 were relatively more meaningful and I still long for or have fond memories of a score or so. Every 29 days, on average, a new woman entered my life in the most private of ways.
I think, while chronologically I might have been 23-33, I was enjoying my college years during this decade. This excersise in cataloguing the escapades have brought closure to this.
I am happy to report now I have one woman in my life and am pleased that she will accompany me to the 2nd annual 340 Club reunion this Saturday. Her name is Beverly; stop by and say hello.
I will spare you any further details though. Suffice it to say 1984, the first half of 1984, saw five more entries to the list ... they were 112, 113, 114, 115 and 116. When all was said and done in the 3425 days between Valentine's Day 1974 and June 30, 1984 there were 116 women that knew me in the biblical sense. Of them, 59 were one night stands. 57 were relatively more meaningful and I still long for or have fond memories of a score or so. Every 29 days, on average, a new woman entered my life in the most private of ways.
I think, while chronologically I might have been 23-33, I was enjoying my college years during this decade. This excersise in cataloguing the escapades have brought closure to this.
I am happy to report now I have one woman in my life and am pleased that she will accompany me to the 2nd annual 340 Club reunion this Saturday. Her name is Beverly; stop by and say hello.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The 9th Day of 340
is about music ... the music of 340
perhaps symbolized best by the Mighty Juke but if you stop there you miss the point
perhaps symbolized best by the Mighty Juke but if you stop there you miss the point
The Greatest Day in Rock (i.e .catching the Stones and Bonnie in one day) has been chronicled pretty well but there were many other spectacular concerts including a couple of six figure crowds: Mount Pocono and Watkins Glen; Wild Horses sung on the boardwalk then off to the Smoke In in DC on the 4th of July, Jethro Tull (Slick attending just about two dozen shows by the end of the 340 era), Rolling Stones (making my 18 Stones shows lifetime pale), Motown (F & M hosted Smokey and Hamilton Bohannon and more), Grateful Dead (their F & M show, pre-328, is one of the Dead Heads legendary shows), the last concert I attended before 328 (KISS, Rush, Blue Oyster Cult) remains one of the best I ever saw, the Village & Old Colony, The West Philly Speed Boys, Sharks, Randall Stoltzfus, my loud rock or Slick's edgyier tweeners (oh he could rock too ... finding Mott before anyone else), music (and beer) defined the 340.
The 340 earned its place as the 3rd best nite club in the county.
Where are they now: Tim Lutter
Tim Lutter, Charter 328 Club, Sep 74- Jul 75
Tim and Lori have lived in New Jersey since 1987. We have just celebrated our 30th anniversary after meeting at the Holiday Inn Spring Fling Party inYork. We have three kids. One daughter just graduated from college, the other daughter is a sophomore at college, and our son is a junior in high school. Lori and I have followed Yes and Jethro Tull over the last several years as we age together with them. In regards to 328 and the fun times, I remember eating cheese steaks at 3:00 in the morning, the beer parties, and going the long way around to the bathroom. I also remember Champ getting good steaks from next door. With the move to Jersey, I became aPhiladelphia fan.
Tim and Lori have lived in New Jersey since 1987. We have just celebrated our 30th anniversary after meeting at the Holiday Inn Spring Fling Party inYork. We have three kids. One daughter just graduated from college, the other daughter is a sophomore at college, and our son is a junior in high school. Lori and I have followed Yes and Jethro Tull over the last several years as we age together with them. In regards to 328 and the fun times, I remember eating cheese steaks at 3:00 in the morning, the beer parties, and going the long way around to the bathroom. I also remember Champ getting good steaks from next door. With the move to Jersey, I became aPhiladelphia fan.
Where are they now: Fox
Dan Joyce: Charter 328 Club member, September 1974-July 1975
The Red Fox himself provided this piece: lives happily in Downingtown, Pa, with his lovely wife Kathy and two beautiful well-behaved children Tom (18) and Julie (16).He left the Lancaster area in 1977 to attend grad school at Villanova where he earned a Masters in math. After a year spent traveling around the world he returned to Villanova as an instructor and has been there ever since. He is now an Associate Professor in the Computing Sciences department. He earned his PhD in CS in 1986 from Temple. He is active in the CS Education community. He enjoys playing golf with friends, taking care of his kids, and watching movies with his wife. He owns approximately 2,500 LPs.
The Red Fox himself provided this piece: lives happily in Downingtown, Pa, with his lovely wife Kathy and two beautiful well-behaved children Tom (18) and Julie (16).He left the Lancaster area in 1977 to attend grad school at Villanova where he earned a Masters in math. After a year spent traveling around the world he returned to Villanova as an instructor and has been there ever since. He is now an Associate Professor in the Computing Sciences department. He earned his PhD in CS in 1986 from Temple. He is active in the CS Education community. He enjoys playing golf with friends, taking care of his kids, and watching movies with his wife. He owns approximately 2,500 LPs.
I look forward to both Friday’s Lancaster Barnstormer game … I expect a number of 340 Club members to attend – Phil, Sil and Coach for sure …. and to Saturday’s reunion.
I have two concerns –
Entertainment – my DJ is currently missing …. But then again if he wasn’t; he wouldn’t be Randy Brown
Fiscal – at 32 attendees I might lose $250!!! Oh well, I knew what I was getting in to when I signed on. The good news at 50 attendees and selling all tee-shirts, buttons, and having a few good 50/50 raffles we can seed next year’s affair with up to $400. The ball, as they say, is in your court. .
Monday, June 2, 2008
The 8th day of 340
Tonight, the sports of the 340 …
Chestnut Street Hockey ... sustained excellence led by the Captain Phil and dare I say a score of 340 Clubbers ... Eels of Death, mixing youth and some ol guys (Phil was 32) but still stellar ... not to mention the Golden Age of the Clippers now being upon us!!!
Red Rose Runners (1984 times posted, if any): John (26:40, 18th and best in class!!!) & Sil (seems to not have ran), RE (35:02 but notably finishing 340th!!!); Tom (29:59), John B (33:18), Father Pete (33:23), George W (33:24), GENE SEGRO (37:01), also, not appearing to run in ’84 but usually did JJ, Fred, Art (ran in ’83 after breakfasting at 338), and, in ’84. #992 Tee Knorr (46:21) [NOTE: Sorry Mark but I can’t help myself … Mark Bleecher finished three seconds behind me, sorry Roche but you ran a 47:22, Freddy Blaebaum 47:41]. I ran the race at least twice and served as race director twice.
Also the Human Race held annually at TACO! Tough to beat Spyder Hahn.
John the Ultra Marathoner
Sil, Tim, John with their bikes
RE was a jock … often dragging me over to F & M for a workout. Of course, while he may have played handball, moved weights, wrestled or whatever … my workout consisted of a steam bath or a rare run.
Dan was a tennis playin' fool. I used to play at the dawn of 328.
On the vicarious side, we had championships for the Flyers, Bucs, Phils, Steelers, Sixers, Orioles, and even the Iggles made the Super Bowl plus there was the Wrestling Extravaganza, Summit Bowl, and boxing, and Olympics, and Evel Knievel and all sorts of excuses to fill three couches and a bar. Sunday Sports Spectacular Scotty Myers ruled the sports clicker if we had clickers. Attending All-Star Games in Pittsburgh & Philly, '79 series in Pittsburgh, playoffs in Philly in '80, Steeler playoffs, the Sugar Ray retirement bash, seeing Muhammad Ali twice (not in the ring), Holmes-Spinx title, wrestling of all variety, Philly Bell and Stars, WTT at the dawn of 328, and more.
Further outlet was provided by APBA with the ZSABL being founded there in late ’77, the ZSAFL’s only Super Bowl being played at the 340 bar, countless Puerto Rican League, Punk Rock League or other solo or competitive APBA contests. Not to mention tourneys at McCaskey won by Joe Ganse, the Holiday Inn, the Golden Eagle (I think Mick won that one). APBA Conventions in ’73, ’75, and ’76.
Chestnut Street Hockey ... sustained excellence led by the Captain Phil and dare I say a score of 340 Clubbers ... Eels of Death, mixing youth and some ol guys (Phil was 32) but still stellar ... not to mention the Golden Age of the Clippers now being upon us!!!
Red Rose Runners (1984 times posted, if any): John (26:40, 18th and best in class!!!) & Sil (seems to not have ran), RE (35:02 but notably finishing 340th!!!); Tom (29:59), John B (33:18), Father Pete (33:23), George W (33:24), GENE SEGRO (37:01), also, not appearing to run in ’84 but usually did JJ, Fred, Art (ran in ’83 after breakfasting at 338), and, in ’84. #992 Tee Knorr (46:21) [NOTE: Sorry Mark but I can’t help myself … Mark Bleecher finished three seconds behind me, sorry Roche but you ran a 47:22, Freddy Blaebaum 47:41]. I ran the race at least twice and served as race director twice.
Also the Human Race held annually at TACO! Tough to beat Spyder Hahn.
John the Ultra Marathoner
Sil, Tim, John with their bikes
RE was a jock … often dragging me over to F & M for a workout. Of course, while he may have played handball, moved weights, wrestled or whatever … my workout consisted of a steam bath or a rare run.
Dan was a tennis playin' fool. I used to play at the dawn of 328.
On the vicarious side, we had championships for the Flyers, Bucs, Phils, Steelers, Sixers, Orioles, and even the Iggles made the Super Bowl plus there was the Wrestling Extravaganza, Summit Bowl, and boxing, and Olympics, and Evel Knievel and all sorts of excuses to fill three couches and a bar. Sunday Sports Spectacular Scotty Myers ruled the sports clicker if we had clickers. Attending All-Star Games in Pittsburgh & Philly, '79 series in Pittsburgh, playoffs in Philly in '80, Steeler playoffs, the Sugar Ray retirement bash, seeing Muhammad Ali twice (not in the ring), Holmes-Spinx title, wrestling of all variety, Philly Bell and Stars, WTT at the dawn of 328, and more.
Further outlet was provided by APBA with the ZSABL being founded there in late ’77, the ZSAFL’s only Super Bowl being played at the 340 bar, countless Puerto Rican League, Punk Rock League or other solo or competitive APBA contests. Not to mention tourneys at McCaskey won by Joe Ganse, the Holiday Inn, the Golden Eagle (I think Mick won that one). APBA Conventions in ’73, ’75, and ’76.
Curators Corner
Where are they now: Dean Staherski
Dean Staherski, 340 Club: October-November 1978
Dean was a sturdy defenseman on the Chestnut Street hockey team. If my memory is accurate I picture him and Steve Lesher on the rink in tandem (like Mick Walton & Ron Metzger were so paired). In late 1978, after departures of Kenny, myself, and Mitch left the 340 with perhaps more maturity but certainly less contributors (uh, maybe not?!). In any case the 340 found itself with only Phil and the Cityslicker, Mr. Tim, and that is when Dean stepped up as third man in. Unfortunately by the time Dean moved in late that October the graffiti was all over the wall. As Phil has described earlier in this series ... Tim, Dean and finally Phil himself all abandoned ship before ’78 wound down.
Dean always worked for his father at the family business Starr Heating & Air Conditioning. When John Staherski retired in 1993, the business was incorporated and his sons, Jack and Dean Staherski, took over the business, personally handling all sales and service calls. I am late in getting in touch with him but I’m hoping he gets in touch with me or Phil and is in attendance on Saturday night. If he spends the entire four hours at the Knights he will have been at the party longer than he lived at 340.
Dean was a sturdy defenseman on the Chestnut Street hockey team. If my memory is accurate I picture him and Steve Lesher on the rink in tandem (like Mick Walton & Ron Metzger were so paired). In late 1978, after departures of Kenny, myself, and Mitch left the 340 with perhaps more maturity but certainly less contributors (uh, maybe not?!). In any case the 340 found itself with only Phil and the Cityslicker, Mr. Tim, and that is when Dean stepped up as third man in. Unfortunately by the time Dean moved in late that October the graffiti was all over the wall. As Phil has described earlier in this series ... Tim, Dean and finally Phil himself all abandoned ship before ’78 wound down.
Dean always worked for his father at the family business Starr Heating & Air Conditioning. When John Staherski retired in 1993, the business was incorporated and his sons, Jack and Dean Staherski, took over the business, personally handling all sales and service calls. I am late in getting in touch with him but I’m hoping he gets in touch with me or Phil and is in attendance on Saturday night. If he spends the entire four hours at the Knights he will have been at the party longer than he lived at 340.
Where are they now: Craig Cullinan
Craig is living in San Diego and a perpetual student who appears ready to settle down. He is, as always, a major baseball fan wishing for a happy dilemna ... who to root for is his current home team the Padres ever had to battle his beloved Phillies. I don't think he has to worry too much or did it already happen? Being a Pirate fan I haven't paid too much attention to the baseball playoffs. In any case Craig attended more 340 Club parties than Grace Jones did and, for that, here are his before and after photos -
This is not Ted Cleaver but rather young Master Cullinan.

Thanks Craig; appreciate the photos. Sorry the Leer jet is on the blink.

Our hero in the present.
Thanks Craig; appreciate the photos. Sorry the Leer jet is on the blink.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
On the 7th Day of 340
The Lord rested

and the rest of humanity went to TACO ... it has been a while since we posted but TACO predated and postdated the 340 and, like Chestnut Street hockey, it deserves a Blog of its own and a reunion weekend.
The annual Celebration of Life and Rebirth of the Earth Festival took place over McMorial Day weekend annually from 1973 through 1990. It was a freedom filled, inhibition void, weekend of the standard trilogy. Ostensibly celebrating the earth. For me (and I went to maybe 3 or 4), it was a drunken weekend of debauchery. We all celebrate the earth differently. For the 340, it was a very quiet weekend until Sunday or Monday because when the troops returned home they usually had just a little party left in them. If memory serves me correctly the 340 Club Bear jumped during one of those raucous returns.
The last TACO was held May 25-27, 1990. It was TACO XVIII. It was held on PA324 just north of the Bullfrog Inn and not all that far from this year’s 340 Club event.

and the rest of humanity went to TACO ... it has been a while since we posted but TACO predated and postdated the 340 and, like Chestnut Street hockey, it deserves a Blog of its own and a reunion weekend
The annual Celebration of Life and Rebirth of the Earth Festival took place over McMorial Day weekend annually from 1973 through 1990. It was a freedom filled, inhibition void, weekend of the standard trilogy. Ostensibly celebrating the earth. For me (and I went to maybe 3 or 4), it was a drunken weekend of debauchery. We all celebrate the earth differently. For the 340, it was a very quiet weekend until Sunday or Monday because when the troops returned home they usually had just a little party left in them. If memory serves me correctly the 340 Club Bear jumped during one of those raucous returns.
The last TACO was held May 25-27, 1990. It was TACO XVIII. It was held on PA324 just north of the Bullfrog Inn and not all that far from this year’s 340 Club event.
Where are they now: Jim Shay
Jim Shay, 340 Club I: August 1975-October 1976
Where is Jim Shay … no James Shay comes up in the Lancaster phonebook; sadly that puts him – for now at least – in the parts unknown category. That is a great place to be from if you are a wrestler but not for an old friend. Ya never know; I understand Phil’s brother sees Jimmy’s ol’ lady friend … maybe word will get to him bout Saturday’s bash.
Speaking of the bash I think there are about 5 tickets sold. Phil expects forty. I need 45 and a DJ.
Where is Jim Shay … no James Shay comes up in the Lancaster phonebook; sadly that puts him – for now at least – in the parts unknown category. That is a great place to be from if you are a wrestler but not for an old friend. Ya never know; I understand Phil’s brother sees Jimmy’s ol’ lady friend … maybe word will get to him bout Saturday’s bash.
Speaking of the bash I think there are about 5 tickets sold. Phil expects forty. I need 45 and a DJ.
There will be some trivia questions posed at the reunion in June. To help you prep for such an event from time to time questions will be posed here in the Blog so you can revive some old memories and rev up your response time. To that end here are a few questions:
This, my final assignment of administering the trivia questions before the Big Bash will be in a different format. You will be asked to view the following pictures and identify the West King Street Resident/Member/Guest




Last Weeks Q & A's
100) What was the name of City L’s (and my) friend who used to work with him at K & W Tire Company?
101) What fire company did Kenny Giltner used to hang out at before finding it more fun at the 340 Club?
102) In what fashion did Kenny sit down on a couch? CLUE: it is a four letter word
103) At what bar did I have a short-lived stint as a bartender in the 328 Club days?
This, my final assignment of administering the trivia questions before the Big Bash will be in a different format. You will be asked to view the following pictures and identify the West King Street Resident/Member/Guest



Last Weeks Q & A's
100) What was the name of City L’s (and my) friend who used to work with him at K & W Tire Company?
101) What fire company did Kenny Giltner used to hang out at before finding it more fun at the 340 Club?
102) In what fashion did Kenny sit down on a couch? CLUE: it is a four letter word
103) At what bar did I have a short-lived stint as a bartender in the 328 Club days?
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06/01 - 06/08
- Barnstormers game and other pre-bash notes
- Barnstormer Game,6/6/2008
- This Could Be My Last Post Untill The Reunion
- On the 12th Day of 340
- On the 11th Day of 340
- The 10th day of 340
- The Poet Laureate
- Where are they now: Chris
- Where are they now: Tricky Dick
- Where are they now: Crazee
- The List: 1984
- The 9th Day of 340
- Where are they now: Tim Lutter
- Where are they now: Fox
- fyi
- The 8th day of 340
- Curators Corner
- Where are they now: Dean Staherski
- Where are they now: Craig Cullinan
- On the 7th Day of 340
- Where are they now: Jim Shay
- Trivia
- ► 05/25 - 06/01 (31)
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