The 3rd periodic 340 Club Reunion has been postponed indefinitely

Before there was an Animal House there was a 340 Club; before there was a Dean Wormer there was a Harold "the fuck" Martin; before there was John Blutarsky or a Daniel Simpson Day there was Tim Lutter, Sil Simpson, Dan Joyce, Tim Getzloff, Dick Lichty, Jim Shay, Phil Zangari, Chris Joyce, Dave Petkosh, Mitch Herr, Kenny Giltner, Dean Staherski, Randy Brown, John Emswiler, Sue Krimmell Emswiler and myself; before there were any Delta Tau Chi pledge pins, there were 340 Club cards; before Otis Day & the Knights, the 340 Jukebox; before there were Delta Brothers there were the usual gang of idiots that congregated at 328, 340 (twice) and 338 West King Street in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for a decade beginning in August 1974. This blog is dedicated to those idiots and those times. God bless Kenny, Mitch and Chris; may they rest in peace.

virtual 340 Club members

Saturday, December 29, 2007


On the left is me making breakfast,preparing for my future career choice..On the right is Chris Lake.

Tee is in the bed of the pick-up apparently barking instructions to me,Chris L.,Cindy Lou and Wayne with Tracy Rebman in the lower left.

Here me and Chris are solving world problems or at least trying to figure out who we can get to refill our cooler.

Tracy and Lori Rankin showing us that alcohol doesn't affect them.

Relaxing after a hard day of partying.

The Annual Celebration of life and rebirth of the Earth Festival or simply TACO as it was known was held every Memorial Day weekend for years.. I have no idea where or when these pics are from. Taco's were labeled simply as Taco 1,Taco 2 etc..This must have been Taco 15 or close to it.
They were usually held at least a two hour drive from Lancaster to discourage people from commuting to the event as if anybody was capable of driving within a few minutes of arrival. It was a "hippy" type atmosphere with beer,contraband and charcoal grills at each campsite. 340 members made numerous appearances at these gatherings. As one made their rounds through the various sites you usually greeted each other with a nod of the head and said "Taco".
Dogs with hankerchiefs around their necks abounded and visited each camp until they were rewarded with whatever was on the grill. There was a communal spirit which sadly did not continue when we returned to the real world. At TACO everyone was more than happy to top off your mug with some liquid refreshment without even being asked or offer you a burger or hotdog.
There was a huge bonfire held every saturday at TACO with a bottle of Ouzo being passed around and the throng would chant,"Ouzo,Ouzo",stretching out the word to sound reminiscent of the changing of the guards in the movie,Wizard of OZ where they chanted "Oreo" or something similar. Now and then a TACO would be disappointing in terms of attendance or location but for the most part it was full of great memories.

The Sixth Stone, the Fifth Beatle

Billy Preston, singer/organist extraordinaire, was known as the 5th Beatle and also known as the 6th Stone ... well, when the 328 Club was formed in late summer '74 five of us moved in ... another, while not a resident, was a factor both in planning and after the move ... R.E. Lichty, Tricky Dick. Hence, the subject line of this post.

Dick and I were somewhat inseperable at the time and when he got married a short while later I was in the wedding as an usher. Dick & I had a love/hate relationship in that when others turned against him I batted .500 (i.e. I joined the others as often as I stood with Dick) as opposed to the 1.000 he would of had me bat.

One day I must have done something to particularily frustrate R.E. "What to do, what to do" raced through Dicky's mind. He found himself in my bedroom in the middle of the workday knowing full well that I was in a classroom somewhere in the City as a substitute teacher. "What can I do to get Ted's goat?" We were 23 and had few possesions of value for him to pilfer; vandalizing my walls would blend in rather than stand out. "Hmmmmm". For reasons Dick still doesn't know today he chose to steal all of my - UNDERWEAR. He simply loaded up a trash bag with (both?) all my utrous and disappeared into the day. Him and Lori (his wife to be or perhaps wife) lived around the corner on Orange.

The next day I dutifully make my way down the front stairs, up the back stairs, shit, shower and shave and return, down the back stairs, up the front stairs only to find as I endeavor to get dressed that I have no clean underwear. I forget whether my solution was to put on the day before's drawers or to go without but I was, after looking everywear in the room, pissed after I figured it was foul play. I'm not sure when Dicky fessed up or if I had to buy a new undergarment wardrobe. It was one of Dicky's weaker practical jokes, in my opinion; however ol' R.E. remembers it pretty well to this day so, obviously, he was able to get whatever satisfaction he sought out of it.

Like his father before him, Dick was the consummate practical joker. Some would say he did not know where the line was and, I must admit, that opinion would be correct maybe 50% of the time (did I mention that I batted .500). I remember Dick stealing the Columbia School District Superintnedent's hat, calling the 340 Club once fairly sucessfully posing as an irate husband - a 6'5", 285 lb former NFL player irate husband - to scare my roomie (I won't give that story away as Phil may post it later), obtaining entrance into the most exclusive private clubs - often with me in tow - or clubs. Dick simply knew no boundaries and he had the gift of gab. Again, that characteristic came from his dad ... both Dick and his dad were very sucessful salesmen in their day jobs.

For his being there in '74, for his friendship - then and now, for his bold practical jokes, for his steadfastness in his life experience Dick is honored here with 340 Club Card #9 (issued to him in 1981 and ratified here).

Zangari's South

Purchased in August,1977 by my dad,John "Pop" Zangari , this was another of the West King Street denizens favorite haunts. Several alumni of the Clubs made appearances here as bartenders, Dan Joyce,Sil Simpson,Dean Staherski and myself. The pics above give no indication of what transpired inside. Passing through these doors were musical stalwarts;The Bonnie Parker Band,The Sharks,Eddie Rivers,the Down and Out Band and Lefty Lefever; Civil War re-enacting units, the 7th Tennessee,Company B,the 30th Pennsylvania,Company E, as well as a group from England; legendary hockey teams such as Chestnut Street and The Eels of Death,Leah Mellinger, IFBA Junior Welterweight boxing champion and a host of others. It was also the base of operations for many years for the Zangari's South APBA Baseball League (ZSABL). Hopefully more pictures depicting the antics and adventures inside will be posted when available.

Friday, December 28, 2007


As you know we are putting the 340 Club back together now and forever. The 2008 reunion is scheduled for June 7, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus. I hope to see all of you there. The 2009, 2010 etc. reunions and other 340 Club promotions hinge on the success of this initial endeavor. So, be there.

In the meantime please reply to this post by leaving a comment (or sending me an e-mail) as I need to know if we are reaching more than the six persons that I know read this blog faithfully. Whether six or sixty read this blog we will be communicating soon (before 2/7) via snail mail to push attendance. So, reply; let me know you are there. It is more fun blogging to twenty than six.Leave a comment here OR send me an e-mail to

Also, if you have any pictures of yourself, others, or the era or - sweet Jesus, Mary & Joseph - the 340 Club itself please scan them into a jpg format and send to me at I will give away no secrets but will make an interesting powerpoint.

Lastly do not hesitate to purchase tickets early ... $20 per person; send cash, check or money order to Tee Knorr, 309 Fox Ridge Court, Harrisburg, PA 17102. The 340 Club piggy bank currently has $130 in it. We need another $1400 or so for a 60 person party. A 100 person bash will cost another $2200! Beer costs more than gasoline ... we should be occupying Germany not Iraq.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Cassidy's Tavern

When things were slow on West King Street,one of our favorite "watering holes" was Cassidy's Tavern. From left to right is 340 resident Kenny Giltner,Cindy Lou Leiby (seated),her future husband Wayne Rankin behind her, an unidentified patron,me,Charmaine Williams and Ron Metzger.

From The Poet Laureate

Strange Bedfellows by Christopher Joyce

The new day dawns and your heart begins to stir,
Words of love linger on and you don't forget her,
You know the time again will comean she won't forget you,
You've no need to care about what you've set about to do.

With your love you've come to realize there more than yourself
You take your malice and jealousy and cast them on a shelf
You join as one and then you find we are all as we are one,
With no need to hurry or worry as you find time has come undone.

Within her eyes you see nothing,
No sign of emotional debris,
But what you feel is as something,
That you'd dream could never be.

Where there is one within a pain,
Real happiness you will find there,
Should two as one alone adore,
As lovers why not three or four.

If two is one why isn't four,
The same as one except for more,
If this love is pure and true,
Would this be something bad to do

Clactu's poetry appears every Wednesday.
340 Juke Box Classics every Friday.
340 Club trivia every Sunday.

Merry Christmas from Bonnie Parker

Crazy Tee

Have a wild Christmas & a wicked New Year!!!


(Actually she sent the e-card to all her "friends" signed up to her myspace page. Further, it is Tang's page not Bonnie's. Bonnie is a member - one of the two lead memebers - of TANG. You can access Tang's myspace page which is linked to this one. )

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Letter to Howard

December 24, 2007

The Howard Stern Show
c/o Tracey Millman
Sirius Satellite Radio
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Dear Howard,

As a longtime fan, I would be remiss if I did not invite you to attend the upcoming 340 Club reunion. It will rekindle a lot of memories from the period 1974-84, the heyday of the Club. I do not recall if you ever attended a party there or not but I am sure that you would remember if you did. Well, maybe not.

The reunion is scheduled for Saturday, June 7, 2007, at 7:00 at the Knights of Columbus in Lancaster, PA. A full table costs $160 or individual tickets at $20 each. Robin’s ticket, of course, is on me as I am an even bigger fan of hers than I am of you. Patron ads are available at $10 and quarter page ads are $25. Perhaps I could interest you in a full page ad for the reasonable price (considering the exposure of up to 160 people seeing it) is $100. As King of All-Media you certainly understand the multiplicative nature of such advertising. The check should be written to “Ted Knorr”.

If you want I could mention your radio show on the 340 Club blog and potentially another 23 or so people could see it there. Here is a link to our blog so you can see for yourself the kind of place the 340 Club was:

Thanks in advance for your consideration in this regard; I hope to see you at the bash.


Tee Knorr
309 Fox Ridge Court
Harrisburg, PA 17102
(717)-238-5151 0r BET 51 squared .

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas .. best wishes for the Christmas holydays and holidays to 340 Club members, past, present and future. See you in June.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Trivia Questions 11-13

There will be some trivia questions posed at the reunion in June. To help you prep for such an event from time to time questions will be posed here in the Blog so you can revive some old memories and rev up your response time. To that end here are a few questions:


11. Who won the only Zangari South APBA football League Super Bowl (played at the 340 Club bar)?
12. What first name was shared by two 328 Club members?
13. Who launced the fireworks on July 4th from the roof of the 338 Club ?

6. What was the name of the cat who resided at the 340 ? Sylvester
7. What bar hosted an APBA Baseball tournament in October 1983? Bill Harris' Royal House
8. Who won that tournament? Mike McCauley with the 1975 Cincinnati Reds
9. What was the most popular brand of beer at the 340 Club? Serena Kirchner had the local distribution rights. Pabst Blue Ribbon
10. Within $1.00, how much was the 340 Juke Boxes largest daily take? $20.40

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