The Annual Celebration of life and rebirth of the Earth Festival or simply TACO as it was known was held every Memorial Day weekend for years.. I have no idea where or when these pics are from. Taco's were labeled simply as Taco 1,Taco 2 etc..This must have been Taco 15 or close to it.
They were usually held at least a two hour drive from Lancaster to discourage people from commuting to the event as if anybody was capable of driving within a few minutes of arrival. It was a "hippy" type atmosphere with beer,contraband and charcoal grills at each campsite. 340 members made numerous appearances at these gatherings. As one made their rounds through the various sites you usually greeted each other with a nod of the head and said "Taco".
Dogs with hankerchiefs around their necks abounded and visited each camp until they were rewarded with whatever was on the grill. There was a communal spirit which sadly did not continue when we returned to the real world. At TACO everyone was more than happy to top off your mug with some liquid refreshment without even being asked or offer you a burger or hotdog.
There was a huge bonfire held every saturday at TACO with a bottle of Ouzo being passed around and the throng would chant,"Ouzo,Ouzo",stretching out the word to sound reminiscent of the changing of the guards in the movie,Wizard of OZ where they chanted "Oreo" or something similar. Now and then a TACO would be disappointing in terms of attendance or location but for the most part it was full of great memories.