I know where I am ... and Phil, Sil, Tim, Fox, Tim, RE, Chris, John, Sue, Randy, Mitch, sadly Kenny.
That leaves ... I should say left ... that left three ... Jimmy, Dave, and Dean ... and I have a bead on Dean ... however, tonight's post is not about Dean ... it is about Dave.
Petkosh lives!!!
Dave lives in Holtwood; far from the maddening crowd and teaches at HACC. He hopes to attend the bash and to catch up on the goings on. Now, I need to talk to Jimmy & Dean and see if we can get all 16 of us - some of whom do not even know each other; there is no one who lived with all - to the affair. Kenny, of course, will have the best view and seat.
... and I've given away no secrets!!!

The 3rd periodic 340 Club Reunion has been postponed indefinitely
Before there was an Animal House there was a 340 Club; before there was a Dean Wormer there was a Harold "the fuck" Martin; before there was John Blutarsky or a Daniel Simpson Day there was Tim Lutter, Sil Simpson, Dan Joyce, Tim Getzloff, Dick Lichty, Jim Shay, Phil Zangari, Chris Joyce, Dave Petkosh, Mitch Herr, Kenny Giltner, Dean Staherski, Randy Brown, John Emswiler, Sue Krimmell Emswiler and myself; before there were any Delta Tau Chi pledge pins, there were 340 Club cards; before Otis Day & the Knights, the 340 Jukebox; before there were Delta Brothers there were the usual gang of idiots that congregated at 328, 340 (twice) and 338 West King Street in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for a decade beginning in August 1974. This blog is dedicated to those idiots and those times. God bless Kenny, Mitch and Chris; may they rest in peace.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
NOTE: You are not imagining things … this is the third time this particular poem has appeared on the virtual Club. It just so happens that today – actually 21 hours ago – is the anniversary of the event. Plus it cannot be recited enough.
April 26th (1977) by Christopher E. Joyce, 340 Club resident
Woke up, got of bed, heard a voice, thought it was Ted
Am I going berserk, or is the walrus now dead?
He blew his arm out in a car; he didn’t notice it till morning.
Let it come as no surprise was he given sufficient warning?
Cause he was hit hard by a Christian
Who was simply conforming
To the decadence of alcohol
And now immaterial mourning
It was a Monday and Chris got off work at 9 at the Ganser Library in Millersville. He likely got to Cassidy’s at about 9:30. Obviously I have no memory of who was there (Phil? Woody? Dicky?); I dunno. I also don’t remember if he stopped and got me at 340 or was I already there at Cassidy's. Let’s assume he picked me up. Now, from 9:30 to 1:00 am I would estimate to have drunk about 14 beers. According to my consultant at my DUI trial in 1989 (Not guilty, of course) I would have left Cassidy’s at 0.19% Blood Alcohol Content. Chris, assuming he drank as much, would have been a little higher based on his lesser body weight. I paid $500 for the consultant so I assume his numbers and my math are at least a good estimate. In any case I don’t recall Chris being drunk but he certainly was “legally intoxicated.”
As we headed home from Cassidy’s; an 8 block trip I got hungry for a Rendezvous cheese steak as I often did. I encouraged Chris to go down a one way alley to get to the Vous quicker. It turned to be a mistake. When we came to the intersection in the middle of the block (i.e. by the Rendezvous parking lot) we were struck by a car driven by Thomas Thomas. I believe he had a stop sign but, even if so, he stopped and looked for appropriate traffic. Unfortunately, headed in the wrong direction, we were not appropriate and not expected and Thomas Thomas plowed right into the passenger side of Chris’ car totaling it. Thanks be to God (with an assist to Captain Frederick Pabst); I escaped without a scratch. I did have some pain in my right shoulder area the next morning as I suppose I shoulda had another Blue Ribbon or two when I got home that evening.
The police came and took the necessary information however they did not take Chris downtown for a breathalyzer. The car stayed in the Vous lot until the wrecker came the next day. After removing an old beat up basketball from the vehicle, Chris & I walked home the remaining couple of blocks to 340. Chris dribbling the ball sometimes hitting me with a pass to get us home quicker. Once reaching the 340, without any announcement, Chris moved to the white line in the middle of the street and simply let go of the basketball and watched it roll. It cleared Mulberry without causing another accident – 2:00 am traffic – and ended up in the trough of West King Street in front of Johnny’s Tavern or thereabouts. Never to be seen again.
The next day I reported to work at 8:30 as usual and, as my name was not in the small article that appeared in the paper; I underwent no grilling in the office. I have no further knowledge of Thomas Thomas, other than his claim to be born again, but his name was in the paper. Not sure if anyone questioned why a man of his claim was out and about in the wee hours. However, Chris did get questioned. As he reported to class the next day one of his teachers who read the small article that identified Chris as having caused a two vehicle accident at 1:00 a.m. was dumbfounded and wanted to know what on earth Chris was doing out at such an hour.
April 26th (1977) by Christopher E. Joyce, 340 Club resident
Woke up, got of bed, heard a voice, thought it was Ted
Am I going berserk, or is the walrus now dead?
He blew his arm out in a car; he didn’t notice it till morning.
Let it come as no surprise was he given sufficient warning?
Cause he was hit hard by a Christian
Who was simply conforming
To the decadence of alcohol
And now immaterial mourning
It was a Monday and Chris got off work at 9 at the Ganser Library in Millersville. He likely got to Cassidy’s at about 9:30. Obviously I have no memory of who was there (Phil? Woody? Dicky?); I dunno. I also don’t remember if he stopped and got me at 340 or was I already there at Cassidy's. Let’s assume he picked me up. Now, from 9:30 to 1:00 am I would estimate to have drunk about 14 beers. According to my consultant at my DUI trial in 1989 (Not guilty, of course) I would have left Cassidy’s at 0.19% Blood Alcohol Content. Chris, assuming he drank as much, would have been a little higher based on his lesser body weight. I paid $500 for the consultant so I assume his numbers and my math are at least a good estimate. In any case I don’t recall Chris being drunk but he certainly was “legally intoxicated.”
As we headed home from Cassidy’s; an 8 block trip I got hungry for a Rendezvous cheese steak as I often did. I encouraged Chris to go down a one way alley to get to the Vous quicker. It turned to be a mistake. When we came to the intersection in the middle of the block (i.e. by the Rendezvous parking lot) we were struck by a car driven by Thomas Thomas. I believe he had a stop sign but, even if so, he stopped and looked for appropriate traffic. Unfortunately, headed in the wrong direction, we were not appropriate and not expected and Thomas Thomas plowed right into the passenger side of Chris’ car totaling it. Thanks be to God (with an assist to Captain Frederick Pabst); I escaped without a scratch. I did have some pain in my right shoulder area the next morning as I suppose I shoulda had another Blue Ribbon or two when I got home that evening.
The police came and took the necessary information however they did not take Chris downtown for a breathalyzer. The car stayed in the Vous lot until the wrecker came the next day. After removing an old beat up basketball from the vehicle, Chris & I walked home the remaining couple of blocks to 340. Chris dribbling the ball sometimes hitting me with a pass to get us home quicker. Once reaching the 340, without any announcement, Chris moved to the white line in the middle of the street and simply let go of the basketball and watched it roll. It cleared Mulberry without causing another accident – 2:00 am traffic – and ended up in the trough of West King Street in front of Johnny’s Tavern or thereabouts. Never to be seen again.
The next day I reported to work at 8:30 as usual and, as my name was not in the small article that appeared in the paper; I underwent no grilling in the office. I have no further knowledge of Thomas Thomas, other than his claim to be born again, but his name was in the paper. Not sure if anyone questioned why a man of his claim was out and about in the wee hours. However, Chris did get questioned. As he reported to class the next day one of his teachers who read the small article that identified Chris as having caused a two vehicle accident at 1:00 a.m. was dumbfounded and wanted to know what on earth Chris was doing out at such an hour.
Kenny, just remember to turn the juke box off when you leave … good night
From January 1, 1982 through October 10, 1982 the juke box earned $122.10. I know it seems like I’ve buried the juke on several occasions but this time I mean it … I have no more data. In it's 556 days the juke box earned Phil & I $771.28 or $1.39 per day. Still for over a year and a half every day on average the juke box blared for 50 minutes. Another way of looking at it … of those 556 days, if you put all the paid juke box minutes back to back to back to … the juke box played for 19 ½ days. Hmmmmm, putting it that way doesn’t sound like much. Plus it did cost $350 and we did shell out $33.55 for Fan Appreciation Day. $771.28 - $350 - $33.55 = $387.73 less electricity cost of $185 ($10 per month?) leaves $203. If you invested $350 on 4/1/81 you would have had to have a 29% rate of return to match the juke box. That sounds a little better. I am even boring myself with this discussion.
Good Night Phil.
Good Night Phil.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Mighty Juke/I want my M TV
One of my favorites on the Mighty Mighty Machine -
Meanwhile, Kenny quit changin' the channel ... turn that damn thing down!
Meanwhile, Kenny quit changin' the channel ... turn that damn thing down!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
340 Flashback
In March 1982 the mighty 340 Club Juke offered up its last double digit day when a party held in honor of Sheryl Zangari's birthday netted $14.70. So, we bought the juke box on April 3, 1981 and we enjoyed over a dozen $10 daily payouts almost all of them in the first four months (i.e. pre M-TV's debut) of its existence. Most of those big nights are known by special sobriquets such as Masada, Boycott, Fan Appreciation Day, McMorial Day, Reunion, Wrestling Extravaganza, Easter (Part 1), Independence Day, Birthday parties, Easter (Part Two) and on and on. If you smile or get a rush reading those names then I've done my job. THREE FORTY!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
This one was a love poem about a woman named Cheryl Cox. Warning: graphic at times.
C.C. by Christerpher E. Joyce
I've weathered many afflictions,
a bad knee, the measles + chicken pox
but the force that has staggered me most
is a lass of the name Cheryl Cox
It seems I've made a good impression,
but than how can you miss,
When you begin by saying you've heard of me
and you turn out feeling like this
She makes me think life is worth living.
Dissuades me from joining the nomads
She gives me quite a warm feeling
Started + circulated by my gonads
She gave me a good deal on her book
and I love the shape of her breast
In fact I like all about her looks
and I find she quite stirs my penis
Within a half year I will propose
and evidently she will say yes
by then she will have had her last name
many times from me when I undress
We will become one united
and many benefits will she derive
after all what's more important,
than to find someone by 1985
C.C. by Christerpher E. Joyce
I've weathered many afflictions,
a bad knee, the measles + chicken pox
but the force that has staggered me most
is a lass of the name Cheryl Cox
It seems I've made a good impression,
but than how can you miss,
When you begin by saying you've heard of me
and you turn out feeling like this
She makes me think life is worth living.
Dissuades me from joining the nomads
She gives me quite a warm feeling
Started + circulated by my gonads
She gave me a good deal on her book
and I love the shape of her breast
In fact I like all about her looks
and I find she quite stirs my penis
Within a half year I will propose
and evidently she will say yes
by then she will have had her last name
many times from me when I undress
We will become one united
and many benefits will she derive
after all what's more important,
than to find someone by 1985
Or Iz It Memorex?
C'mon fellas - Phil, Sil, Fox, City, Tim, John/Sue??? Anyone else who wants posting privledges please let me know. Post. Even if it is a repeat. After all there was only a finite set of events. Repitition is inevitable. If it was good enuff to do in the first place it is good enough to repeat in the third case. Don't feel restricted by my timeline - altho it is March 1982 if you are interested - just post. Or Komment or Both. If you do not have posting privledges but want them lemmee know. Coach? Accu? RE?
In any case, it is 45 days till the bash. Iz it me?
In any case, it is 45 days till the bash. Iz it me?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
340 Flashback
The 340 rolled on and the Juke Box refused to completely shut down. On Valentine's Day, 1982, we had a big bash netting $13.65 in the box.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Curators Corner: 1981 340 Club Cardholders
The above artifact is 27 years old ... it was compiled by Phil in April-July or so in 1981. It lists all persons who purchased a 340 Club card until such recording stopped at #125. There were about 132 or so cards sold so if your name is not on this list; obviously you must have been #126 or so.
The cards sold for $1.00 and were worthless. Naturally card sales were not brisk. We even advertised that they were worthless right on the card. It cost us $33.55 to have the cards printed and after a couple of weeks and only a few takers we needed to provide an incentive. Luckily, The Beer Men & Serena Kirchner provided just such an incentive. Then, suddenly, and without being asked (although Sam Wickersham and a general professional respect for Phil helped) those two beer distributors offered a $1.00 discount off a case of beer if you flashed a 340 Club card. This meant you could recoup the cost of the card with one purchase of a case of beer. WE sold out of cards in quick fashion.
Among readers of this blog (please let me know if I miss someone) are the following:
1 Tee
2 Phil
3 Randy
4 John
5 Tim, S___ foot
6 Sil
7 Dan, Fox
9 Dick, RE
20 Sheryl
23 Sybil
25 Tom, Cottontop
26 Jason
48 George
66 Ron, Bilsky
84 Mick
96 Woody
99 Vicki
00 Coach
Again, if I missed anyone let me know. I intend above to be listing all cardholders from '81 who have visited this blog, the virtual 340 Club.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Trivia 82-84
There will be some trivia questions posed at the reunion in June. To help you prep for such an event from time to time questions will be posed here in the Blog so you can revive some old memories and rev up your response time. To that end here are a few questions:
82)On the back of the original 340 membership card, how much money did it say you would need, with the card, to get a cup of coffee at McCrory's ?
83)Phil worked in the bar/restaurant business most of his life but who was he employed by when he entered the 340 realm in October,1975 until August,1977 ?
84)What did Sil use to "cook" a Slim Jim, back before he was vegan,at one of the early APBA conventions in Philly ?
Last Weeks Q & A's
77 What was the name of the big man on the Bonnie Parker sound board?
78 What is the name of Bonnie's current band?
79 What is the name of the band Richie most recently appeared with in Yonkers?
80 What is Rudy's kid's band named?
Horseshoes & Handgrenades is Danny Valentino's band
81 What style of music is Rudy most currently associated with now?
and what is the name of the band,
Fear Nuttin Band, hopefully, he will be touring Amerika soon?
82)On the back of the original 340 membership card, how much money did it say you would need, with the card, to get a cup of coffee at McCrory's ?
83)Phil worked in the bar/restaurant business most of his life but who was he employed by when he entered the 340 realm in October,1975 until August,1977 ?
84)What did Sil use to "cook" a Slim Jim, back before he was vegan,at one of the early APBA conventions in Philly ?
Last Weeks Q & A's
77 What was the name of the big man on the Bonnie Parker sound board?
78 What is the name of Bonnie's current band?
79 What is the name of the band Richie most recently appeared with in Yonkers?
80 What is Rudy's kid's band named?
Horseshoes & Handgrenades is Danny Valentino's band
81 What style of music is Rudy most currently associated with now?
and what is the name of the band,
Fear Nuttin Band, hopefully, he will be touring Amerika soon?
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