I know you know this but I want to reiterate here … the virtual 340 Club and the Reunion are a labor of love … they are to the degree possible, at our middle age, about Beer & Rock ‘n Roll (i.e. what used to be drugs, sex, and rock ‘n roll) …. However there is a little matter of dollars and cents that will help carry out this affair and carry it out until the future when Sil & John are the only two standing. To that end, here is the current fiscal state:
Tickets Sold 13
Guests 3 (Mayor Morris, Father Hahn accepted)
Attendees 16
Cost $1,300
Deficit $400
Tickets Sold 50 (Phil’s guess)
Guests 9 (Mayor Morris, Father Hahn accepted; G.H.Kratzert, Dave Sturm, Bot Roda invited)
Attendees 59
Cost $1,900
Surplus $3 (invested in 2009 340 Club
If you know of a business that has a connection to the 340 Club and might want to purchase a quarter page ad in the program … sell one for $25 and you will receive a $5 discount off your ticket. Just let Phil or I know.
does that mean if I sell four ads I get in for free? since 4 * $5 = $20 and that is what a ticket cost.
Yes thats exactly what it means ... if you sell four $25 quarter page ads; you will receive a free ticket to the reunion.
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