May 11, 1983
Mr. Timothy Lutter
c/o K D Manufacturing Company
3575 Hempland Road
Lancaster, PA 17601
Dear Timmy:
I don’t know if it was your idea or Slingoff’s but it was brilliant. We will have to do it again in the Fall. I thought you might be interested in the following relevant information:
Total Bars = 27 (17 of them with 8 or more persons)
Total Miles = 5.5
Total Beers = approximately ½ keg
The Itinerary (depicts bar, number of drinkers, number of beers)
Bar (#Persons, #Beers)
Paragon Bar (8, 32)
J & J (8, 16)
Steinbaecher’s Cafe (8, 8)
Groff’s Cafe (8, 8)
Gaslight (8, 8)
Drift Inn (8, 8)
My Linda’s (8, 16)
Ass Hole Bar (9, 9) NOTE: not the real name, could it have been called The Starting Gate
The Glenn Tavern (9, 9)
Ground Floor (9, 9)
Lauzus Hotel (9, 9)
Damn Bates’(9, 9) NOTE: This was Bates' Bar but Gene Segro always called Damn Bates
Johnny’s Tavern (8, 8)
Soldner’s Bar (8, 8)
Little Dutch Cafe (8, 8)
The Bowl (8, 8) NOTE: The Rose Bowl
Harmony Inn (8, 16)
Cassidy’s Tavern (6, 12)
Sundown Lounge (5, 10)
R & R Cafe (3, 6)
Towne Tavern (3, 3)
Hildy’s Tavern (3, 6)
Italian Villa (3, 6)
Bob’s Cafe (3, 12)
The Green Briar Cafe (3, 3)
Catalina Bar (3, 9)
The Tally Ho (1, 1)
27 bars 257 beers (*)
Sorry to count my walk as The Walk but I don’t know where anyone else went. I do know G.G. has the record of 28 if he went to two bars after leaving me at the Catalina. All in all everyone exhibited heroic efforts. Stay in touch!
(*) Keep in mind back in that era a 7 ounce draft was not uncommon so do not translate 257 beers into 3,084 ounces per today's standard bottle and typical draft. Those 257 beers I would estimate represented around 180 twelve-ounce bottles of beer (or 7 1/2 cases). Still a lot of beer for 7 of us on average. A case is a lot of beer to drink in a day but to have seven folks consume that much is an excellent days work. It is nice to be 32 years old.
Now, please don't feel that you missed out on a great time. It's not too late. I do it every year and the time is fast approaching. The below picture depicts itineraries for St. Patrick's Day Pub Crawls of the past. While we don't hit 27 bars nor do we consume 43 beers (as I did on May 7, 1983)but the average tour covers 14.5 bars and 23.4 beers. This year's goal is 16 & 24. Consider joining us. More later in the week.
The main foggy memory I have of this auspicious day was wandering into a bar somewhere (I'm thinking North Prince Street??) and finding it filled mostly with women some of whom were playing pool, thinking that maybe it was a good place to get lucky, and finally figuring out after a beer or two that they were more interested in each other than in us.
Excellent ... this is precisely why I publish this nonsense ... due to your comment I am now able to identify three (up from two) who were still walking at that point ... based on prior info I can now say that you, me, Geoff and two other unidentified (do you have an idea?) people had made it to the Sundown (your memory and intuition were both very accurate as it is indeed on North Mulberry just two blocks over from Prince).
So, Dan you went to at least 19 bars and may have drank 27 beers.
My notes imply that Geoff and me were the last two standing that day; however elsewhere I say that there were three at the next to last bar. I know feel that, given that you were there at #19 and there were only two others there - not counting the three of us - chances are 1 in 3 that you were still there at #26 The Catalina Bar, North Queen Street. In that case you went to 26 bars and drank up to 42 beers (or more; how would I really know). In any case I appreciate your informative comment.
20 R & R
21 Towne Tavern
22 Hildy's
23 Italian Villa
24 Bob's (*)
25 Green Briar (*)
26 Catalina
(*) both of those are indeed on North Prince and they have active pool tables so these also could be what you are referring to ... the Sundown though is a lesbian bar and a more likely candidate)
Sorry to have moved the bash to a date that apparently doesn't fit your schedule.
I also recall this awkward situation. S...foot
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