Phil, perhaps more accurately me & Phil, kept dutiful track of my sexual conquests (the reader may feel free to substitute whatever euphemism with which they feel comfortable except “making love”) up to a some point in 1982. Here is my report, culled from that list, for the 2nd quarter 1978:
I met #37 at the Wonder Bar; we were an item for several years; she was a good quality woman. I met #38 at the Village and we did the nasty in her car on West King; hard to believe she had done time earlier in her life for 3rd degree homicide. I met #39 at Cassidy’s Tavern; her father was one of the regulars; saw her last year at a Barnstormers game. #40 was a 340 Club regular who must have gotten curious; perhaps I was too. Ditto for #41; although Phil sez I made her screw me in order for her to get a ride to see the Stones; I plead ignorant (which can be interpreted in several different ways). Year-To-Date 9; TOTAL 41 (a sad commentary is; while there might have been some lasting friendships among those 41 women; half were one night stands and only one could be remotely called “love”)
What methodology did I use to assign number ? They are not chronological.
I dunno ... you are certainly correct though ... I think it was just me and you bullshittin' ... one point, do not endeavor to correlate numbers on the list with the numbers I have now assigned ... the numbers I use are merely in place of a name and not keyed to this particular version of your list ... I will say that I was extrememly impressed with the acurracy - impeccable actually - of the list (from 1982)
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