As has been mentioned we never saw, spoke to, called or sent a check to the landlord after his surprise visit in the late Fall.This was due more to his slothness in making promised repairs than a lack of resposibility on our part. We were not deadbeats as we demonstrated during our tenure under George H. Kratzert our next landlord. His problem with was not that we didn't pay but that on occasion we were loud.
Despite the fact we never saw him when we lived there; on the day we evacuated the 328 and moved four doors up the street to the 340 Mr. Martin nailed the above sign to the 328 Club front door. Thus, he either was watching us or he heard the noise of the choppers evacuating folks off the 328 Club roof. Whatever, he was on the spot.
As Sil mentions and City L also referred to, they watched - necks outstretched - from 340 windows and saw Mr. Martin departing the 328 after inspecting the place scratching from his nuts to the top of his heads. As City L sez; apparently he had stumbled upon that one flea that the dog had. Sil is a little less kind to the puppy and he felt that there was more than one flea on the landlord. One or four score, he was a scratchin' cowboy when he left the Club.
Just put a wrap on the 328, Sil is being humble. We celebrate Columbus Day honoring Christo Columbo for discovering something that was already there; I think we should celebrate Simpson Day to celebrate Sil's discovery of the 340 Club. Long live the 340!
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