The Bonnie Parker Band, as we knew it from 1977 through 1983 or 84 enjoyed several drummers - Billy from Philly being my favorite - but only two principal guitarists, Bonnie playing bass of course, Richie Scarlet and Rudy Valentino. I've been actively trying to get in touch, via MySpace, with Bonnie, Richie and Rudy. In that effort, as posted here in the earliest hours of this day, I discovered Richie is playing NYC Times Square on February 2nd. I'd like to go but as it turns out in the light of day no can do. Despite that find I have not yet gotten Richie's (nor Bonnie's attention) attention. Tonight, though, upon firing up the laptop I was very pleased to have received the following note from Rudy. I had bumped into Rudy's son (whose band is known as Horseshoes & Handgrenades) and he peeped me to his pop's MySpace page. So, without furher adieu here is a quick note to all 340 Club members from Rudy:
Great to hear from you!! I have to tell you that I had a studio in Rochester, NY, for over ten years and had an infamous graffiti wall! One of the items in the sea of shit that made the wall was a notice from the City of Lancaster for a violation of the NOISE ORDINANCE from one of our frequent visits to the 340 Club!! I wish I still had it (It's long lost), I could contribute it to the Club!
It's great to every once & a while fall into a remaniscent daze of the fun we all had back then!! Although sometimes I long for my long lost brain cells hahaha!!
Give my love to all, wish I could be there in attendance for the reunion...tip a few gallons of "Jet Fuel" for me....
rudy v
Well, now it is two (Phil & Rudy) against one in their opinion of how many noise ordinance violations the 340 Club was guilty of during the decadent decade. I had thought there were only two – one caused solely by yours truly with a small phonograph on New Years Eve 1974 and a second, also caused by a single individual this time with a boom box, which will be covered in a later post. However, Rudy refers to a violation that occurred when he was present at a party. I have no recollection (or the vaguest hint of a recollection) of such violation but I must yield to two separate testimonies to an apparently well-deserved violation when the Club was at full tilt boogie in the wee hours – after all Rudy played till 2 – after the Village shut down. A nice memory that I wish I had – sounds like it was a good time … THREE FORTY!
First saw you with Bonnie at Great Guildersleeves in early late 70's or early 80's, and promptly strived to become the best lead guitarist I could be. Rock on.
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