Happy 3rd Birthday to the Virtual 340 Club!!! a member of Al Gore’s world since December 4, 2007 ...6,031 visitors in 1096 days = 5.5 visits per day; 487 posts in 1096 days = a post every other day. However, more realistically 410 posts in the first 187 days (over two posts per day) and only 77 posts over the last 686 days (1 every 9 days)
By year,
2007 65 posts
2008 368 = 343 prior to the 2nd periodic reunion + 23 after
2009 41 posts
2010 13 posts, including this one
I sit on my well worn, worthy of the 340, couch amidst other furniture older than I ... nostalgia has me in my grasp and in honor of the 3rd anniversary I raise a toast ... alas, it is only one beer ... if it truly were the 340 it would be the better part of a case ... no, the 340 it ain't but it is the virtual 340 and its all I got ... gonna play the juke box now.

The 3rd periodic 340 Club Reunion has been postponed indefinitely
Before there was an Animal House there was a 340 Club; before there was a Dean Wormer there was a Harold "the fuck" Martin; before there was John Blutarsky or a Daniel Simpson Day there was Tim Lutter, Sil Simpson, Dan Joyce, Tim Getzloff, Dick Lichty, Jim Shay, Phil Zangari, Chris Joyce, Dave Petkosh, Mitch Herr, Kenny Giltner, Dean Staherski, Randy Brown, John Emswiler, Sue Krimmell Emswiler and myself; before there were any Delta Tau Chi pledge pins, there were 340 Club cards; before Otis Day & the Knights, the 340 Jukebox; before there were Delta Brothers there were the usual gang of idiots that congregated at 328, 340 (twice) and 338 West King Street in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for a decade beginning in August 1974. This blog is dedicated to those idiots and those times. God bless Kenny, Mitch and Chris; may they rest in peace.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Happy Third Birthday to the Virtual 340 Club!!!
It was three years ago today that Philip & I began this blog ... I can only speak for myself but, particularly being out of town, it provides me with a fun place to go. It kinda makes the past the present and sorta makes living in the past, living in the present. Kinda sorta being the key words. I wish that all of us felt the same way and posted more often. to reminisce but also to share what we are doing now.
I speak to Phil rarely but we still play the lottery together weekly and that is fun and inexpensive. Sil & I end an e-mail every now and then. I've been filling in Dave & City L on some recent happenings and Dave replies ... City L needs to return to life (just my opinion mind you). Dicky called just last night; he is a good guy, God bless him, fighting illness. Dan is a professor and he & I play poker 3 or 4 times a year. Timmy lives in jersey and has a wife, kids, job, etc. Dean still lives and works in Lancaster; being the only person who lived at the Club that I did not live with. Nobody lived with everybody. John & Sue still live within a half mile of the Club. Haven't seen Jimmy since the reunion but it was grand seeing him then; still looks the same. Randy is still 27 years old. Joyously, Gloriously, Kenny, Mitch and Clack are at a much greater Club that hopefully we all are going to be. As you may know, it was recently discovered that there is beer in heaven.
Coach is the most loyal reader of this blog and has the toughest job. He represents all of the many, many partiers and revelers who passed through the 340 Club on a daily basis at all hours. It is he and those that made it what it was. So, I will hoist an Iron City beer tonight in honor of him and all the rest of them and you celebrating three years of electronic madness. I encourage all of you to keep in touch to post more of what you are doing with yourself or any special memories that you may wish to share.
Oh and I've forgotten the Kegman ... sorry.
I speak to Phil rarely but we still play the lottery together weekly and that is fun and inexpensive. Sil & I end an e-mail every now and then. I've been filling in Dave & City L on some recent happenings and Dave replies ... City L needs to return to life (just my opinion mind you). Dicky called just last night; he is a good guy, God bless him, fighting illness. Dan is a professor and he & I play poker 3 or 4 times a year. Timmy lives in jersey and has a wife, kids, job, etc. Dean still lives and works in Lancaster; being the only person who lived at the Club that I did not live with. Nobody lived with everybody. John & Sue still live within a half mile of the Club. Haven't seen Jimmy since the reunion but it was grand seeing him then; still looks the same. Randy is still 27 years old. Joyously, Gloriously, Kenny, Mitch and Clack are at a much greater Club that hopefully we all are going to be. As you may know, it was recently discovered that there is beer in heaven.
Coach is the most loyal reader of this blog and has the toughest job. He represents all of the many, many partiers and revelers who passed through the 340 Club on a daily basis at all hours. It is he and those that made it what it was. So, I will hoist an Iron City beer tonight in honor of him and all the rest of them and you celebrating three years of electronic madness. I encourage all of you to keep in touch to post more of what you are doing with yourself or any special memories that you may wish to share.
Oh and I've forgotten the Kegman ... sorry.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Accu Jack Hosting Tee & Slick in NYC
With Accu Jack Kelly's death this week and spurred on by Sil's questioning me this morning I reprise the following two posts originally appearing on this blog in February 2008. They feature the late Mr. Kelly at his best showing a couple of rubes The Big Apple.
March 17-19, 1977
Forgive me if I fail to do justice to one of the greatest escapades that I’ve ever been involved in. However, I’m not sure that even Hemmingway could adequately describe what it must have been like to have City L, Accu Jack and myself on the loose at daybreak in Manhattan. As with most stories I will begin at the beginning.
City L aka Tim Getzloff, a 328 Club resident and future 340 Clubber, was in New York City at a college newspaper conference. Since he obviously needed legal representation I had made arrangements to join him in the Big Apple on Friday afternoon, the 18th. Accu Jack Kelly who had accompanied me on my 1975 and ’76 St. Pat’s Pub Crawls had taken employment in New York as a maître’d at a popular French bistro – The Magic Pan. We would be meeting Jack on Saturday.
After arising on the feast day I went in to work at City Hall and gave the taxpayers their moneys worth. I then took a leisurely walk home, beginning at the Swamp Fox, stopping for some green beer at several places (Kramers, Soldners, Johnny's)on my way home. Tim Kelly, Accu Jack’s brother, was having a St Pat’s party and being it was just around the corner from the 340 I was planning on attending. It turned out to be a great party and as the luck of the Irish would have it I awakened on Friday morning in a strange bed in the arms of a lovely damsel (#25). After the obligatory politesse I adjourned to the AMTRAK station to catch the New York train.
Upon arriving in NYC it was off to the journalism convention to meet City L. It is here where for some reason my memory gets a little hazy. I’ll give you my best recollection and seek input/critique from both of the other two witnesses (and who knows maybe a 3rd). I believe Tim was busy at the conference and I likely entertained myself in Fear City that evening. From the looks of the photo the hotel room was quite a party in its own right.
On Saturday, after checking out of the hotel and saying good bye to the conference, City L, myself, and Andi Schreiber – a co-ed member of the Millersville State College 4th estate (you may recall Andi has already appeared in this blog in that crazy ad libbed play which chronologically speaking likely occurred after this trip) – were off to see some sights. Accu Jack joined us and played the role of tour guide. We went up to the top of the World Trade Center. Andi dutifully taking pictures. It is a very recent memory – i.e. Andi even being there – but someone had to take the pictures and since they don’t seem particularly posed (as if we passed a camera to a bystander) that provided reinforcement to my belief that she was present. At some point Jack departed to go to work at The Magic Pan and the three of us were off to paint some of the big city. We visited a few watering holes in Gotham, Toots Shors, dinner at The Magic Pan, the Monkey Bar at the Elysees, and finally we took in some comedy at Catch a Rising Star where if I’m not mistaken – something I ate must have disagreed with me – I took sick in the women’s room. Needless to say we were asked to leave. Now it was onto a subway and out of Manhattan. We got to Jack’s a bit before he did and his sister was a great host. Making sure that we were able to replenish our liquids after a tough night on the town. Tim, Andi & I were likely eyeing up sleeping spaces with tired eyes and may have actually slipped off to sleep when … the door opened and a madman leaped in … it was Accu … now off work and full of fire. Get up! Let’s go! Unlike Tim & I Jack had spent the night working and now he wanted to unwind and he had two visitors from Lancaster to do it with. It didn’t take us long to throw some water on our face and get ready to hit the streets again. First we needed to deter – successfully – Andi from thinking she was coming with. This was a men only trip. It was still dark but the Fat Female Rooster was warming up.
March 20, 1977 [4:00am-9:00am]
It had been a whirlwind weekend so far … St. Pat’s crawling, Tim Kelly’ party, getting laid for my birthday, Friday night madness, sightseeing in Manhattan, Saturday night making Friday night appear tame and now – a stone sober Jack Kelly wanting to show City L and me another part of New York.
Off we went descending into the subway station at a ferocious pace making sure Andi wasn’t going to catch us. Back to Manhattan. Upon getting off the train Jack took us across the way and unto another subway. It was late/early and there were few people on the train. Soon, near Columbus Circle, all the white people got off. Next thing we know – we were in Harlem. Now, years later I visited the historic African-American neighborhood but even to this day I have yet to do it justice. However, on that night/morning, at that time, drunk/weary; it was not where we wanted to be. City L and I finally convince Accu Jack of that although he kept insisting he could get us laid. Across the station and back on the next subway south, City L drifted to sleep as the train sped back downtown. The brief respite was broken by the screeching of the airbrakes and in City L’s case by my listless body slamming against his as the train came to a stop. We were reinvigorated and bounced up the steps into daylight in Manhattan. Breakfast woulda been a good idea but the madman – Accu Jack – had alternative ideas. Soon he was hailing a cab; engaging in conversation with the driver and hailing another cab. My memory is Jack had three or four of the liveries lined up none of which were going to gain our fare. He was merely inquiring of the drivers where three gentlemen could find some professional women at this time of night/morning. One of cabbies must have told him what he wanted to hear because he was excitedly off in another direction with City L and me trailing. I wish I could tell you where we were – my best guess would be around 59th Street on the West side – but I have no clue. Soon an attractive Black female was in conversation with Jack and the four of us – with a new tour guide – were off to a seedy shack of a structure. Once inside it didn’t get any more inviting. Believe me, seedy is a complement. There were two, rather large, gentlemen in the place who looked like they were rejected for the Otis Day scene (“May we dance with your dates?”) in Animal House. There was one other female. Jack expressed disinterest in the wares; after all he was showing us a good time. City L and I went off to a couple of spartan rooms with our dates.
My new lady friend and I negotiated, I truly think it was $20 or less, and soon I was enjoying her prowess in oral stimulation over a rubber. There was no bed or couch but rather this act of love took place on a hard wood bench with a nice clean sheet over top. First time for everything. In the next room, City L’s negotiations were seemingly a little trickier and his Madame, apparently unwilling to wait for City L’s best offer, grabbed a $10 and left the room. Next thing you know there was a commotion in the vestibule and Accu, City L and the professional woman were no longer negotiating. Apparently, at no time did we pose a threat to the women because the two large men sat like Buddha’s while the spat went on. Back out into the street we went and off to breakfast it was. We had gone a couple of blocks when City L noticed that his wallet was lighter than it had been. Lesson learned.
We went back to Jack’s in Queens gathered our belongings & Andi and headed back to Penn Station and to quiet old Lancaster town. It certainly was one of my more memorable birthdays.
When originally posted the following comment was anonymously posted on the blog. I suspected then and am quite certain now that it was old Accu Jack himself verifying the bonafides of the story as recounted three decades later. It is fitting to be heard again today as Jack is laid to rest in Lancaster.
COMMENT: Anonymous said ... Is your dick as big as an elephant's, because your memory is certainly as good.
Tee responded to Anonymous ... I assume that is you Accu? Please sign your posts. Did I get it right? I want Slick's input. I have pictures but couldn't get my scanner working yesterday. Will try again. I also tried contacting Andi; I am correct in that she came with Tim & I to you and your sister's place? Izzat right? God bless you Accu Jack Kelly. I hope to see you next month on the feast day.
March 17-19, 1977
Forgive me if I fail to do justice to one of the greatest escapades that I’ve ever been involved in. However, I’m not sure that even Hemmingway could adequately describe what it must have been like to have City L, Accu Jack and myself on the loose at daybreak in Manhattan. As with most stories I will begin at the beginning.
City L aka Tim Getzloff, a 328 Club resident and future 340 Clubber, was in New York City at a college newspaper conference. Since he obviously needed legal representation I had made arrangements to join him in the Big Apple on Friday afternoon, the 18th. Accu Jack Kelly who had accompanied me on my 1975 and ’76 St. Pat’s Pub Crawls had taken employment in New York as a maître’d at a popular French bistro – The Magic Pan. We would be meeting Jack on Saturday.
After arising on the feast day I went in to work at City Hall and gave the taxpayers their moneys worth. I then took a leisurely walk home, beginning at the Swamp Fox, stopping for some green beer at several places (Kramers, Soldners, Johnny's)on my way home. Tim Kelly, Accu Jack’s brother, was having a St Pat’s party and being it was just around the corner from the 340 I was planning on attending. It turned out to be a great party and as the luck of the Irish would have it I awakened on Friday morning in a strange bed in the arms of a lovely damsel (#25). After the obligatory politesse I adjourned to the AMTRAK station to catch the New York train.
Upon arriving in NYC it was off to the journalism convention to meet City L. It is here where for some reason my memory gets a little hazy. I’ll give you my best recollection and seek input/critique from both of the other two witnesses (and who knows maybe a 3rd). I believe Tim was busy at the conference and I likely entertained myself in Fear City that evening. From the looks of the photo the hotel room was quite a party in its own right.
On Saturday, after checking out of the hotel and saying good bye to the conference, City L, myself, and Andi Schreiber – a co-ed member of the Millersville State College 4th estate (you may recall Andi has already appeared in this blog in that crazy ad libbed play which chronologically speaking likely occurred after this trip) – were off to see some sights. Accu Jack joined us and played the role of tour guide. We went up to the top of the World Trade Center. Andi dutifully taking pictures. It is a very recent memory – i.e. Andi even being there – but someone had to take the pictures and since they don’t seem particularly posed (as if we passed a camera to a bystander) that provided reinforcement to my belief that she was present. At some point Jack departed to go to work at The Magic Pan and the three of us were off to paint some of the big city. We visited a few watering holes in Gotham, Toots Shors, dinner at The Magic Pan, the Monkey Bar at the Elysees, and finally we took in some comedy at Catch a Rising Star where if I’m not mistaken – something I ate must have disagreed with me – I took sick in the women’s room. Needless to say we were asked to leave. Now it was onto a subway and out of Manhattan. We got to Jack’s a bit before he did and his sister was a great host. Making sure that we were able to replenish our liquids after a tough night on the town. Tim, Andi & I were likely eyeing up sleeping spaces with tired eyes and may have actually slipped off to sleep when … the door opened and a madman leaped in … it was Accu … now off work and full of fire. Get up! Let’s go! Unlike Tim & I Jack had spent the night working and now he wanted to unwind and he had two visitors from Lancaster to do it with. It didn’t take us long to throw some water on our face and get ready to hit the streets again. First we needed to deter – successfully – Andi from thinking she was coming with. This was a men only trip. It was still dark but the Fat Female Rooster was warming up.
March 20, 1977 [4:00am-9:00am]
It had been a whirlwind weekend so far … St. Pat’s crawling, Tim Kelly’ party, getting laid for my birthday, Friday night madness, sightseeing in Manhattan, Saturday night making Friday night appear tame and now – a stone sober Jack Kelly wanting to show City L and me another part of New York.
Off we went descending into the subway station at a ferocious pace making sure Andi wasn’t going to catch us. Back to Manhattan. Upon getting off the train Jack took us across the way and unto another subway. It was late/early and there were few people on the train. Soon, near Columbus Circle, all the white people got off. Next thing we know – we were in Harlem. Now, years later I visited the historic African-American neighborhood but even to this day I have yet to do it justice. However, on that night/morning, at that time, drunk/weary; it was not where we wanted to be. City L and I finally convince Accu Jack of that although he kept insisting he could get us laid. Across the station and back on the next subway south, City L drifted to sleep as the train sped back downtown. The brief respite was broken by the screeching of the airbrakes and in City L’s case by my listless body slamming against his as the train came to a stop. We were reinvigorated and bounced up the steps into daylight in Manhattan. Breakfast woulda been a good idea but the madman – Accu Jack – had alternative ideas. Soon he was hailing a cab; engaging in conversation with the driver and hailing another cab. My memory is Jack had three or four of the liveries lined up none of which were going to gain our fare. He was merely inquiring of the drivers where three gentlemen could find some professional women at this time of night/morning. One of cabbies must have told him what he wanted to hear because he was excitedly off in another direction with City L and me trailing. I wish I could tell you where we were – my best guess would be around 59th Street on the West side – but I have no clue. Soon an attractive Black female was in conversation with Jack and the four of us – with a new tour guide – were off to a seedy shack of a structure. Once inside it didn’t get any more inviting. Believe me, seedy is a complement. There were two, rather large, gentlemen in the place who looked like they were rejected for the Otis Day scene (“May we dance with your dates?”) in Animal House. There was one other female. Jack expressed disinterest in the wares; after all he was showing us a good time. City L and I went off to a couple of spartan rooms with our dates.
My new lady friend and I negotiated, I truly think it was $20 or less, and soon I was enjoying her prowess in oral stimulation over a rubber. There was no bed or couch but rather this act of love took place on a hard wood bench with a nice clean sheet over top. First time for everything. In the next room, City L’s negotiations were seemingly a little trickier and his Madame, apparently unwilling to wait for City L’s best offer, grabbed a $10 and left the room. Next thing you know there was a commotion in the vestibule and Accu, City L and the professional woman were no longer negotiating. Apparently, at no time did we pose a threat to the women because the two large men sat like Buddha’s while the spat went on. Back out into the street we went and off to breakfast it was. We had gone a couple of blocks when City L noticed that his wallet was lighter than it had been. Lesson learned.
We went back to Jack’s in Queens gathered our belongings & Andi and headed back to Penn Station and to quiet old Lancaster town. It certainly was one of my more memorable birthdays.
When originally posted the following comment was anonymously posted on the blog. I suspected then and am quite certain now that it was old Accu Jack himself verifying the bonafides of the story as recounted three decades later. It is fitting to be heard again today as Jack is laid to rest in Lancaster.
COMMENT: Anonymous said ... Is your dick as big as an elephant's, because your memory is certainly as good.
Tee responded to Anonymous ... I assume that is you Accu? Please sign your posts. Did I get it right? I want Slick's input. I have pictures but couldn't get my scanner working yesterday. Will try again. I also tried contacting Andi; I am correct in that she came with Tim & I to you and your sister's place? Izzat right? God bless you Accu Jack Kelly. I hope to see you next month on the feast day.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Accu Jack
John J. "Jack" Kelly
John J. "Jack" Kelly, 62, of Lancaster, died on November 24, 2010 at Hospice of Lancaster County, surrounded by his beloved family after fighting a courageous 19 month battle with cancer. Jack was born in Lancaster to Marilyn R. Kelly of Lancaster and the late Leo F. Kelly. He was a 1966 graduate of Lancaster Catholic High School where he was an outstanding musician. An award in his honor is still visible in the High School trophy case.
A young patriot, he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force while still in high school. A Vietnam-era veteran, he earned numerous citations for his distinctive service including: the Vietnam Service Medal and the Air Force Commendation Medal. After his discharge, Jack enrolled at the Penn State University campus in Wilkes-Barre, PA. While there, he served as the General Manager of the campus radio station, President of the campus Broadcasting Club, contributing-editor of the campus newspaper, a member of the student council, and President/Director of the campus Drama Club. While still a student, he was recruited to join a local radio station and began a career in Broadcasting. In 1972, during Hurricane Agnes, Jack and a small team of reporters earned national recognition reporting around the clock while stranded in their third floor office building. They were the only source of information on the radio bandwidth reporting on the devastation to the outside world. Soon afterward, Jack became a local broadcaster when he was hired as News Director at WNOW/Q-106 in York. He also worked at WSBA in York and WLPA in Lancaster.
After moving to New York in 1976, he discovered his true passion, flying. Jack obtained his private and commercial license, plus instrument and multi-engine ratings. He was employed at Teterboro, NJ as a charter pilot and in night-time aerial advertising over New York City. He moved back to Lancaster in 1983. Here, he was a civic-minded community member who was a volunteer with the American Heart Association and the Lancaster United Way campaign. He also held past memberships with the Knights of Columbus, American Legion, VFW, the Lancaster Traffic Club, the Sales & Marketing Club of Lancaster and the Riverside Club. In 1986, he married his beloved Lisa and raised three beautiful children: Genevieve Susan Zercher wife of Richard Zercher, Jr. of Lititz, Matthew John Kelly of Lancaster and Jillian Marie Kelly fiancée of Steven Hammerstone of Lancaster. He is also survived by his granddaughter Olivia and Genevieve's expected daughter Erin, plus 7 brothers and sisters: Warren Stephen of Turin, Italy, Timothy James of Lincoln, NE, Anthony Paul of Lancaster, Theresa Marie of NYC, Leo Francis of Glendale, CA, Dr. Eleanor Marie of San Diego, CA, and Eileen Patrice of Norwalk, CT.
Friends will be received on Saturday, November 27, 2010 from 10-11AM at the Charles F. Snyder Jr. Funeral Home & Crematory, 3110 Lititz Pike, Lititz, PA with the Funeral Service to follow at 11AM, the Rev. Joseph Hilbert officiating. Interment in Conestoga Memorial Park. Donations, in lieu of flowers, can be made to Hospice of Lancaster County, 685 Good Drive, Box 4125, Lancaster, PA 17604-4125. To send an online condolence, please visit:
Charles F. Snyder Jr.
Funeral Home & Crematory
John J. "Jack" Kelly, 62, of Lancaster, died on November 24, 2010 at Hospice of Lancaster County, surrounded by his beloved family after fighting a courageous 19 month battle with cancer. Jack was born in Lancaster to Marilyn R. Kelly of Lancaster and the late Leo F. Kelly. He was a 1966 graduate of Lancaster Catholic High School where he was an outstanding musician. An award in his honor is still visible in the High School trophy case.
A young patriot, he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force while still in high school. A Vietnam-era veteran, he earned numerous citations for his distinctive service including: the Vietnam Service Medal and the Air Force Commendation Medal. After his discharge, Jack enrolled at the Penn State University campus in Wilkes-Barre, PA. While there, he served as the General Manager of the campus radio station, President of the campus Broadcasting Club, contributing-editor of the campus newspaper, a member of the student council, and President/Director of the campus Drama Club. While still a student, he was recruited to join a local radio station and began a career in Broadcasting. In 1972, during Hurricane Agnes, Jack and a small team of reporters earned national recognition reporting around the clock while stranded in their third floor office building. They were the only source of information on the radio bandwidth reporting on the devastation to the outside world. Soon afterward, Jack became a local broadcaster when he was hired as News Director at WNOW/Q-106 in York. He also worked at WSBA in York and WLPA in Lancaster.
After moving to New York in 1976, he discovered his true passion, flying. Jack obtained his private and commercial license, plus instrument and multi-engine ratings. He was employed at Teterboro, NJ as a charter pilot and in night-time aerial advertising over New York City. He moved back to Lancaster in 1983. Here, he was a civic-minded community member who was a volunteer with the American Heart Association and the Lancaster United Way campaign. He also held past memberships with the Knights of Columbus, American Legion, VFW, the Lancaster Traffic Club, the Sales & Marketing Club of Lancaster and the Riverside Club. In 1986, he married his beloved Lisa and raised three beautiful children: Genevieve Susan Zercher wife of Richard Zercher, Jr. of Lititz, Matthew John Kelly of Lancaster and Jillian Marie Kelly fiancée of Steven Hammerstone of Lancaster. He is also survived by his granddaughter Olivia and Genevieve's expected daughter Erin, plus 7 brothers and sisters: Warren Stephen of Turin, Italy, Timothy James of Lincoln, NE, Anthony Paul of Lancaster, Theresa Marie of NYC, Leo Francis of Glendale, CA, Dr. Eleanor Marie of San Diego, CA, and Eileen Patrice of Norwalk, CT.
Friends will be received on Saturday, November 27, 2010 from 10-11AM at the Charles F. Snyder Jr. Funeral Home & Crematory, 3110 Lititz Pike, Lititz, PA with the Funeral Service to follow at 11AM, the Rev. Joseph Hilbert officiating. Interment in Conestoga Memorial Park. Donations, in lieu of flowers, can be made to Hospice of Lancaster County, 685 Good Drive, Box 4125, Lancaster, PA 17604-4125. To send an online condolence, please visit:
Charles F. Snyder Jr.
Funeral Home & Crematory
Monday, November 1, 2010
Congratulations Josh!!!
The 340 Club is proud to congratulate Joshua Lauzus, 27, and his friend Nikki Schwartz, 27, who drove from Lancaster last Saturday to participate in the 2nd annual Zombie Crawl. In order to properly prepare and don their Zombielook it took two hours for each of them to get their appearance correct. Once they did it was apparent that they were a special gory Zombie pair. Ultimately, when the judges did their thing they were officially named the Prom King and Queen of the Zombie Crawl. Next year perhaps Beverly & I will need to give them a run for their money.
By the way, Josh is the grandson of The 340 Club's favorite bartender/owner Wilhelm Lauzus of the late great Lauzus Hotel located just a few blocks up West King from the 340.
Congrats again from the 340 Club!!!
By the way, Josh is the grandson of The 340 Club's favorite bartender/owner Wilhelm Lauzus of the late great Lauzus Hotel located just a few blocks up West King from the 340.
Congrats again from the 340 Club!!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Poet Laureate's Last Will
As reported on this blog last night, Chris Joyce, 340 Club roommate, passed on over the weekend bringing a somber interpretation to this blog post that originally appeared two years ago and was written in 1977 when Chris inhabited the 2nd room back on the 2nd floor. Here it is as posted on May 21, 2008.
Its a better world with this legal document not implemented. Tonight's feature is not one of Chris' poems but rather his last will. From 33 years ago I present:
First Draft of My Last Will and Testament
1. All clothes to be sold at rummage, proceeds to Ted & Kookie 50-50
2. Quilt - Sue Dutt
3. Poems - Tee (The WEB - Timmy)
4. Radio - Bob Smallwood
5. Rug - Sil
6. Trash in Room - C.I.A.
7. All of my love through death - Bonnie Parker
8. Car - Thomas Thomas
9. Albums - to be held in rememberence of moratoriums
10.Books - Posterity
11.My Dead Body - after cremation - ashes to be spread over Mecca
In retrospect he left us memories far outstripping the objects in his list. Although I will be contacting his brother Dan for a few items to serve as a touchstone to keep his memory alive in my heart. I miss him.
Its a better world with this legal document not implemented. Tonight's feature is not one of Chris' poems but rather his last will. From 33 years ago I present:
First Draft of My Last Will and Testament
1. All clothes to be sold at rummage, proceeds to Ted & Kookie 50-50
2. Quilt - Sue Dutt
3. Poems - Tee (The WEB - Timmy)
4. Radio - Bob Smallwood
5. Rug - Sil
6. Trash in Room - C.I.A.
7. All of my love through death - Bonnie Parker
8. Car - Thomas Thomas
9. Albums - to be held in rememberence of moratoriums
10.Books - Posterity
11.My Dead Body - after cremation - ashes to be spread over Mecca
In retrospect he left us memories far outstripping the objects in his list. Although I will be contacting his brother Dan for a few items to serve as a touchstone to keep his memory alive in my heart. I miss him.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Our roomie, 340 Club member, and my good friend Chris Joyce died over the weekend at his home in Manor House Apartments. Apparent heart attack. He was good friend, great roomie, fun loving guy, insightful beyond most person's recognition, troubled by demons even I did not understand.
Our last conversation was last Wednesday to discuss the primary election where Chris went out of his way, through less than perfect weather to vote for Joe Sestak (enthusiastically) and Jack Wagner (at my urging). He called and left a message very proud of his correctly predicting the Sestak win. He called again and we discussed the results.
We were going to go to a Barnstormers game in the near future and he was going to help me with my baseball exhibit at Clipper Stadium on August 28th. He will have a better vantage point for both of those events.
Chris was 57.
Our last conversation was last Wednesday to discuss the primary election where Chris went out of his way, through less than perfect weather to vote for Joe Sestak (enthusiastically) and Jack Wagner (at my urging). He called and left a message very proud of his correctly predicting the Sestak win. He called again and we discussed the results.
We were going to go to a Barnstormers game in the near future and he was going to help me with my baseball exhibit at Clipper Stadium on August 28th. He will have a better vantage point for both of those events.
Chris was 57.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
This Saturday Lancaster honors and remembers Sam Lugar of the Sharks who was taken from us way prematurely last year. A "Samfest" will be held at the Chameleon; gates open at 7; show starts at 8; finis at 1 (yeah right).
Here is the lineup as I understand it -
8:00 Lancaster's classic pre-sharks band - The Speedboys
9:00 Harrisburg's Martini Brothers
10:00 National recording artist Jeffry Gaines, sans accoustic
11:30 The Sharks
1:00 close or, more likely IMHO, a group encore of note and length
see ya there
Here is the lineup as I understand it -
8:00 Lancaster's classic pre-sharks band - The Speedboys
9:00 Harrisburg's Martini Brothers
10:00 National recording artist Jeffry Gaines, sans accoustic
11:30 The Sharks
1:00 close or, more likely IMHO, a group encore of note and length
see ya there
Sunday, April 25, 2010
BLOG VAULT: 12/4/07
Originally published 2 1/2 years ago resulting in the 340 Club reunion ... so; lets do it again ... when is the next reunion?
Lancaster, Pennsylvania ... the seventies, downtown, 340 West King Street, three blocks from Penn Square - the city's center - a three story house inhabited by five virile young men. Sex, beer, rock n roll. As the landlord described it: "extreme disorganized and general misconduct."
This blog seeks your assistance in planning a commemoration, a reunion if you will, a celebration of the 340 Club. Accordingly, this is your blog. As a former resident, 340 Club cardholder, or someone who lived in the Red Rose City in the 70s who has fond memories of late nights and/or early mornings at the 340 please feel free to make your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas known as this bash is planned. Visit this blog often. It is a tool to promote, coordinate, communicate, facilitate and plan a celebration that commemorates, celebrates, touts, and reminisces about the 340 Club. The gathering is tentatively scheduled for June 6th and 7th, 2008, in Lancaster, PA. Presently and tentatively, the weekend shapes up as follows:
June 6, 2008 - $27 will get you a game ticket and a picnic ticket to an Atlantic Baseball League contest between the York Revolution and the Lancaster Barnstormers at Clipper Stadium. Prior and during the game there will be a two-hour, all you can eat, buffet picnic at Coors Light Picnic Pavilion featuring: BBQ Chicken, Grilled Hamburgers, Kunzler Hot Dogs, Deli Salad, Baked Beans, Corn on the Cob, Potato Chips, Cookies and Assorted Fountain Sodas. Unfortunately the beer will need to be purchased separately. After the game I feel confident that the gang will retreat to a local pub to continue quaffing the golden beverage.
June 7, 2008 - an evolving bash that at that will be put on at cost (likely, $20) that will feature beer (free), munchies, DJ, and more. In addition there will be features and specialties that the 340 Club was known for. It is this event for which this Blog seeks your input. What do you see as a 2008 340 Club Party? In an ideal world, we would rent 340 West King Street in Lancaster and convene sometime around 2 am on Saturday morning with everyone bringing enough beer and munchies to get us through to daybreak when we would break for a bit until gathering again that afternoon when we would watch sports on TV and nap to prepare for doing it again Saturday night. Alas, due to many factors this is not possible so we need to find a place and plan a realistic resemblance of such a party.
To that extent please help us out with both party ideas as well as sharing your reminiscences of the 340 Club.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania ... the seventies, downtown, 340 West King Street, three blocks from Penn Square - the city's center - a three story house inhabited by five virile young men. Sex, beer, rock n roll. As the landlord described it: "extreme disorganized and general misconduct."
This blog seeks your assistance in planning a commemoration, a reunion if you will, a celebration of the 340 Club. Accordingly, this is your blog. As a former resident, 340 Club cardholder, or someone who lived in the Red Rose City in the 70s who has fond memories of late nights and/or early mornings at the 340 please feel free to make your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas known as this bash is planned. Visit this blog often. It is a tool to promote, coordinate, communicate, facilitate and plan a celebration that commemorates, celebrates, touts, and reminisces about the 340 Club. The gathering is tentatively scheduled for June 6th and 7th, 2008, in Lancaster, PA. Presently and tentatively, the weekend shapes up as follows:
June 6, 2008 - $27 will get you a game ticket and a picnic ticket to an Atlantic Baseball League contest between the York Revolution and the Lancaster Barnstormers at Clipper Stadium. Prior and during the game there will be a two-hour, all you can eat, buffet picnic at Coors Light Picnic Pavilion featuring: BBQ Chicken, Grilled Hamburgers, Kunzler Hot Dogs, Deli Salad, Baked Beans, Corn on the Cob, Potato Chips, Cookies and Assorted Fountain Sodas. Unfortunately the beer will need to be purchased separately. After the game I feel confident that the gang will retreat to a local pub to continue quaffing the golden beverage.
June 7, 2008 - an evolving bash that at that will be put on at cost (likely, $20) that will feature beer (free), munchies, DJ, and more. In addition there will be features and specialties that the 340 Club was known for. It is this event for which this Blog seeks your input. What do you see as a 2008 340 Club Party? In an ideal world, we would rent 340 West King Street in Lancaster and convene sometime around 2 am on Saturday morning with everyone bringing enough beer and munchies to get us through to daybreak when we would break for a bit until gathering again that afternoon when we would watch sports on TV and nap to prepare for doing it again Saturday night. Alas, due to many factors this is not possible so we need to find a place and plan a realistic resemblance of such a party.
To that extent please help us out with both party ideas as well as sharing your reminiscences of the 340 Club.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
59 Tomorrow
Would love for you to buy me a Green Beer on Restaraunt Row in Harrisburg ... thats 2nd Street for those who don't know ... the only other 340 Clubber I expect is Randy Brown cuz he is still in his twenties.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Question For A Piano Man
I seen you in Wildwood back in the 70s; Charlie Prose will tickle your toes days.
Question - do you remember a heavy footed piano player from that era who lived in the Lancaster-Coatesville area from 1975-80 moving from bar to bar singing and telling jokes by the name of Lenny Lane? If so, did you know him well? Any stories? As I recall he knew you. Any idea where he might be? Anything would be helpful and appreciated.
Ted Knorr
Lancaster, PA
I seen you in Wildwood back in the 70s; Charlie Prose will tickle your toes days.
Question - do you remember a heavy footed piano player from that era who lived in the Lancaster-Coatesville area from 1975-80 moving from bar to bar singing and telling jokes by the name of Lenny Lane? If so, did you know him well? Any stories? As I recall he knew you. Any idea where he might be? Anything would be helpful and appreciated.
Ted Knorr
Lancaster, PA
ITINERARY: 39th Annual St. Pat's Pub Crawl
HARRISBURG, PA, March 17th
1:00 Garrason’s – private lunch
2:00 The Tap Room , on N. 3 Street, Hbg, below Reilly
2:30 Wanda’s, next door,
2:45 Al’s, round the corner, cheap dates available here
3:00 Shady McGrady’s
3:40 Midtown
4:20 Firehouse
5:00 Pep Grille, dinner
6:00 Molly Brannigan’s
Mercados – quick beer, last stop
HMAC – if open
9:00 HOME - accomodations available
1:00 Garrason’s – private lunch
2:00 The Tap Room , on N. 3 Street, Hbg, below Reilly
2:30 Wanda’s, next door,
2:45 Al’s, round the corner, cheap dates available here
3:00 Shady McGrady’s
3:40 Midtown
4:20 Firehouse
5:00 Pep Grille, dinner
6:00 Molly Brannigan’s
Mercados – quick beer, last stop
HMAC – if open
9:00 HOME - accomodations available
Friday, January 29, 2010
Son of Juke
I purchased an AMI RoweStar R-93 Juke Box yesterday for $750. It replaces the old Rockola that Phil and I bought years ago at the 340 Club. I spent the last two evenings loading 100 records (and six CDs) on it. I thought I'd share the initial 100 records with you as they will likely give you very pleasant memories of great nights and weekend afternoons in the age right before the dawn of M TV when the mighty 340 Juke reigned supreme.
Here tis':
100 Start Me Up/No Use In Crying
101 Go Now - The Moody Blues
102 She Loves You - The Beatles
103 I Want to Hold your Hand/I Saw Her Standing There - The Beatles
104 Batman Theme - Link Wray & the Raymen
105 Time is on My Side/Congratulations
106 Happy Together - The Turtles
107 I Got You (I Feel Good) - James Brown & the Famous Flames
108 Leader of the Pack - The Shangri-Las
109 You Tell Me Girl - The Shaynes
110 Satisfaction/The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man
111 Soul Finger - The Bar-Kays
112 When a Man Loves a Woman - Percy Sledge
113 Nobody But Me - The Human Beinz
114 Judy in Disguise (with glasses) - John Fred & the Playboy Band
115 Get Off My Cloud/I’m Free
116 They’re Coming to take me Away, Ha-Haaa - Napoleon XIV
117 Maggie May/Reason to Believe - Rod Stewart
118 For What It’s Worth (Stop, Hey What’s That Sound) - The Buffalo Springfield
119 Eve of Destruction - Barry McGuire
120 19th Nervous Breakdown/Sad Day
121 Dance to the Music - Sly & The Family Stone
122 Fire - The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
123 Me & Bobby McGee/Half Moon - Janis Joplin
124 Tighten Up Archie Bell & the Drells
125 Ruby Tuesday/Let’s Spend the Night Together
126 OHIO/Find the Cost of Freedom … Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young … Atlantic
130 Rock and Roll - Led Zeppelin, which by the way is 3:40 long!
128 No More Mister Nice Guy - Alice Cooper
129 Brown Sugar/Bitch - The Rolling Stones
130 Paint It Black/STUPID GIRL
131 Sweet Emotion - Aerosmith
132 Takin’ Care of Business - Bachman-Turner Overdrive
133 Jailbreak - Thin Lizzy
134 Freedom of Choice - Devo
135 Street Fighting Man/No Expectations
136 Magic Man - Heart
137 Gimmee Some Lovin’/She Caught the Katy - Blues Brothers
138 Bette Davis Eyes - Kim Carnes
139 Jenny Take a Ride - Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels
140 Honky Tonk Women/You Can’t Always Get What You Want
141 Stop in the Name of Love - The Supremes
142 Come Sail Away - Styx
143 We are Champions/We will Rock You - Queen
144 Hang on Sloopy - The McCoys
145 We Love You/Dandelion
146 (I know) I’m Losing You - Rare Earth
147 Lets Get Lost On A Country Road - The Kit Kats
148 Peace of Mind - The Magnificent Men
149 Elevator Shoes - The Blame
150 Tumbling Dice/Sweet Black Angel
151 96 Tears - ! (Question Mark) & the Mysterians
152 The House of the Rising Sun - The Animals
153 ABC - The Jackson 5
154 Good Lovin’ - The Young Rascals
155 Happy/All Down the Line
156 Double Shot (of my Baby’s Love) - Swingin’ Medallions
157 Shake a Tail Feather - James & Bobby Purify
158 Mustang Sally - Wilson Pickett
159 Hanky Panky - Tommy James & the Shondells
160 Angie/Silver Train
161 I Heard It Through The Grapevine - Marvin Gaye
162 Soul Man - Sam & Dave
163 Wild Thing - The Troggs
164 All Day and All of the Night - The Kinks
165 It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll (but I like it)/Through the Lonely Nights
166 I Can’t Help Myself - The Four Tops
167 Mr. Lonely - Bobby Vinton
168 A Lover’s Concerto - The Toys
169 Wooly Bully - Sam the Sham (and the Pharaohs)
170 Out of Time/Jiving Sister Fanny
171 Police on my Back - The Clash
172 Ballroom Blitz - The Sweet
173 Release Me (and let me love again) - Englebert Humperdink
174 Cool Jerk - The Capitols
175 Hot Stuff/Fool to Cry
176 Sweet Soul Medley - The Magnificent Men
177 Do Wah Diddy Diddy - Manfred Man
178 Turning Japanese - The Vapors
179 You Can’t Hurry Love - The Supremes
180 Beast of Burden/When the Whip Comes Down
181 Light My Fire - The Doors
182 Just Like Me - Creedence Clearwater Revival
184 The Dock of the Bay - Otis Redding
185 Emotional Rescue/Down in the Hole
186 I am a Rock - Simon & Garfunkel
187 Right Back Where We Started From - Maxine Nightengale
188 The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy) - Harpers Bizarre
189 Downtown - Petula Clark
190 Dancing in the Streets/Instrumental Version Mick Jagger/David Bowie
191 Peggy Sue - Buddy Holly % the Crickets
192 Wipe Out - The Safaris
193 Who Wouldn’t Love to Be Loved - Central Park
194 Delaware - Perry Como
195 Mixed Emotions/Fancy Man Blues
196 Yellow Submarine/Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles
197 Day Tripper/We Can Work It Out - The Beatles
198 Day for Decision - Johnny Sea
199 Black is Black - Los Bravos
Please don't come to Harrisburg without visiting Son of Juke.
Here tis':
100 Start Me Up/No Use In Crying
101 Go Now - The Moody Blues
102 She Loves You - The Beatles
103 I Want to Hold your Hand/I Saw Her Standing There - The Beatles
104 Batman Theme - Link Wray & the Raymen
105 Time is on My Side/Congratulations
106 Happy Together - The Turtles
107 I Got You (I Feel Good) - James Brown & the Famous Flames
108 Leader of the Pack - The Shangri-Las
109 You Tell Me Girl - The Shaynes
110 Satisfaction/The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man
111 Soul Finger - The Bar-Kays
112 When a Man Loves a Woman - Percy Sledge
113 Nobody But Me - The Human Beinz
114 Judy in Disguise (with glasses) - John Fred & the Playboy Band
115 Get Off My Cloud/I’m Free
116 They’re Coming to take me Away, Ha-Haaa - Napoleon XIV
117 Maggie May/Reason to Believe - Rod Stewart
118 For What It’s Worth (Stop, Hey What’s That Sound) - The Buffalo Springfield
119 Eve of Destruction - Barry McGuire
120 19th Nervous Breakdown/Sad Day
121 Dance to the Music - Sly & The Family Stone
122 Fire - The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
123 Me & Bobby McGee/Half Moon - Janis Joplin
124 Tighten Up Archie Bell & the Drells
125 Ruby Tuesday/Let’s Spend the Night Together
126 OHIO/Find the Cost of Freedom … Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young … Atlantic
130 Rock and Roll - Led Zeppelin, which by the way is 3:40 long!
128 No More Mister Nice Guy - Alice Cooper
129 Brown Sugar/Bitch - The Rolling Stones
130 Paint It Black/STUPID GIRL
131 Sweet Emotion - Aerosmith
132 Takin’ Care of Business - Bachman-Turner Overdrive
133 Jailbreak - Thin Lizzy
134 Freedom of Choice - Devo
135 Street Fighting Man/No Expectations
136 Magic Man - Heart
137 Gimmee Some Lovin’/She Caught the Katy - Blues Brothers
138 Bette Davis Eyes - Kim Carnes
139 Jenny Take a Ride - Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels
140 Honky Tonk Women/You Can’t Always Get What You Want
141 Stop in the Name of Love - The Supremes
142 Come Sail Away - Styx
143 We are Champions/We will Rock You - Queen
144 Hang on Sloopy - The McCoys
145 We Love You/Dandelion
146 (I know) I’m Losing You - Rare Earth
147 Lets Get Lost On A Country Road - The Kit Kats
148 Peace of Mind - The Magnificent Men
149 Elevator Shoes - The Blame
150 Tumbling Dice/Sweet Black Angel
151 96 Tears - ! (Question Mark) & the Mysterians
152 The House of the Rising Sun - The Animals
153 ABC - The Jackson 5
154 Good Lovin’ - The Young Rascals
155 Happy/All Down the Line
156 Double Shot (of my Baby’s Love) - Swingin’ Medallions
157 Shake a Tail Feather - James & Bobby Purify
158 Mustang Sally - Wilson Pickett
159 Hanky Panky - Tommy James & the Shondells
160 Angie/Silver Train
161 I Heard It Through The Grapevine - Marvin Gaye
162 Soul Man - Sam & Dave
163 Wild Thing - The Troggs
164 All Day and All of the Night - The Kinks
165 It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll (but I like it)/Through the Lonely Nights
166 I Can’t Help Myself - The Four Tops
167 Mr. Lonely - Bobby Vinton
168 A Lover’s Concerto - The Toys
169 Wooly Bully - Sam the Sham (and the Pharaohs)
170 Out of Time/Jiving Sister Fanny
171 Police on my Back - The Clash
172 Ballroom Blitz - The Sweet
173 Release Me (and let me love again) - Englebert Humperdink
174 Cool Jerk - The Capitols
175 Hot Stuff/Fool to Cry
176 Sweet Soul Medley - The Magnificent Men
177 Do Wah Diddy Diddy - Manfred Man
178 Turning Japanese - The Vapors
179 You Can’t Hurry Love - The Supremes
180 Beast of Burden/When the Whip Comes Down
181 Light My Fire - The Doors
182 Just Like Me - Creedence Clearwater Revival
184 The Dock of the Bay - Otis Redding
185 Emotional Rescue/Down in the Hole
186 I am a Rock - Simon & Garfunkel
187 Right Back Where We Started From - Maxine Nightengale
188 The 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy) - Harpers Bizarre
189 Downtown - Petula Clark
190 Dancing in the Streets/Instrumental Version Mick Jagger/David Bowie
191 Peggy Sue - Buddy Holly % the Crickets
192 Wipe Out - The Safaris
193 Who Wouldn’t Love to Be Loved - Central Park
194 Delaware - Perry Como
195 Mixed Emotions/Fancy Man Blues
196 Yellow Submarine/Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles
197 Day Tripper/We Can Work It Out - The Beatles
198 Day for Decision - Johnny Sea
199 Black is Black - Los Bravos
Please don't come to Harrisburg without visiting Son of Juke.
Friday, January 8, 2010
96 Tears by ? and The Mysterians
Too many teardrops for one heart to be cryin'
Too many teardrops for one heart to carry on
You're way on top now
Since you left me
You're always laughin'
Way down at me
But watch out now
I'm gonna get there
We'll be together
For just a little while
And then I'm gonna put you
Way down here
And you'll start cryin'
Ninety-six tears
And when the sun comes up
I'll be on top
You'll be way down there
Lookin' up
And I might wave
Come up here
But I don't see you
Wavin' now
I'm way down here
Wonderin' how
I'm gonna get you
But I know now
I'll just cry, cry, I'll just cry
Too many teardrops for one heart to be cryin'
Too many teardrops for one heart
To carry on
You're gonna cry ninety-six tears
You're gonna cry ninety-six tears
You're gonna cry cry, cry, cry, now
You're gonna cry cry, cry, cry
Ninety-six tears c'mon and lemme hear you cry, now
Ninety-six tears (whoo!) I wanna hear you cry
Night and day, yeah, all night long
Uh-ninety-six tears cry cry cry
C'mon baby, let me hear you cry now, all night long
Uh-ninety-six tears! Yeah! C'mon now
Uh-ninety-six tears!
Too many teardrops for one heart to be cryin'
Too many teardrops for one heart to carry on
You're way on top now
Since you left me
You're always laughin'
Way down at me
But watch out now
I'm gonna get there
We'll be together
For just a little while
And then I'm gonna put you
Way down here
And you'll start cryin'
Ninety-six tears
And when the sun comes up
I'll be on top
You'll be way down there
Lookin' up
And I might wave
Come up here
But I don't see you
Wavin' now
I'm way down here
Wonderin' how
I'm gonna get you
But I know now
I'll just cry, cry, I'll just cry
Too many teardrops for one heart to be cryin'
Too many teardrops for one heart
To carry on
You're gonna cry ninety-six tears
You're gonna cry ninety-six tears
You're gonna cry cry, cry, cry, now
You're gonna cry cry, cry, cry
Ninety-six tears c'mon and lemme hear you cry, now
Ninety-six tears (whoo!) I wanna hear you cry
Night and day, yeah, all night long
Uh-ninety-six tears cry cry cry
C'mon baby, let me hear you cry now, all night long
Uh-ninety-six tears! Yeah! C'mon now
Uh-ninety-six tears!
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