The mighty Crusaders of Lancaster Catholic High School are in the State Finals this weekend versus Greensburg Central Catholic at Hershey. Unfortunately I will be in NYC.
Two weeks ago I was in Shamokin in a windy, snow shower providing Karma to the boys along with gritty Jack Booth, who has been on the Catholic High sidelines since '65 (only stat man Sam Paone has been there longer), and the youngster Ron Boas.
Last weekend a classic gathering took place with 340 Clubbers myself, Chris Joyce, Booth, Boas, Lance Curtis, Tommy Discavage, Timmy Bucher, Kevin McCaskey, as well as Kenny Riley, Paul Nicklaus, and Todd Emswiler (nephew of 340 resident John Emswiler). It is likely Sil was in attendance but he was in another section.
A good time was had by all; especially the Crusaders who found a way to gain revenge over West Catholic by a 23-21 in a game in which they committed no penalties, dropped no fumbles, tossed no picks, and gathered no yellow linen; no penalties and won by two.
Meanwhile, in the stands the conversation was about Phil, and Champ, and the Red Fox, Lenny Lane (after all we were in Coatesville) and Randy Brown and pastimes on King Street.

The 3rd periodic 340 Club Reunion has been postponed indefinitely
Before there was an Animal House there was a 340 Club; before there was a Dean Wormer there was a Harold "the fuck" Martin; before there was John Blutarsky or a Daniel Simpson Day there was Tim Lutter, Sil Simpson, Dan Joyce, Tim Getzloff, Dick Lichty, Jim Shay, Phil Zangari, Chris Joyce, Dave Petkosh, Mitch Herr, Kenny Giltner, Dean Staherski, Randy Brown, John Emswiler, Sue Krimmell Emswiler and myself; before there were any Delta Tau Chi pledge pins, there were 340 Club cards; before Otis Day & the Knights, the 340 Jukebox; before there were Delta Brothers there were the usual gang of idiots that congregated at 328, 340 (twice) and 338 West King Street in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for a decade beginning in August 1974. This blog is dedicated to those idiots and those times. God bless Kenny, Mitch and Chris; may they rest in peace.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Despite Stellar Pigskin Matchups
I have watched 12 hours so far (it debuted last night at 8) of the 25th annual Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame Concert. It is a four hour show; meaning I've watched it twice in its entirety plus four additional hours. Now, I've slept 5 and worked 8 and watched 12 hours of the special. I suppose I need to get a life; the week before last I watched about 20 hours of the ten hour History Channel special WWII in HD. If I had an HD TV it would make a little more sense. In my defense these have been excellent, groundbreaking TV shows. It isn't called a vast wasteland for no reason and these two shows have been exceptions. Now, if you didn't see the concert - this is what you missed.

Next was CSN and friends Jackson Browne, a reformed drunk chic whose name escapes me - izzit Bonnie Waite or something like that, Rait??? I dunno way to soft she should stay sober in Williamsport. James Taylor who delivered a stellar Love the One Your With (backed by Stephen Stills guitar), CSN without Y isn't quite the full deck but as a warmup they weren't bad.
They yielded to Stevie Wonder and guests Smokey Robinson, John Legend (featured On Demand but limited in the debut package), Sting, B.B. King and Jeff Beck. Perhaps the highlight is Stevie fighting genuine tears in his Michael Jackson tribute.
On to Paul Simon for some NY roots music. He did his " Call me Al" which featured a full, talented and well displayed band. Simon then brought out Little Anthony & the Imperials followed by Dion DeMucci (the king of NY streets), and then Crosby & Nash to sing Here Comes the Sun "for George." Then ... the necessary, requisite, pairing with Art Garfunkel ... three songs - Sounds of Silence, The Boxer and Bridge over Troubled Waters.
Aretha's turn - some gospel, soul, r & b, joined by Annie Lennox, later Jeff Beck. No respect. wtf.
Metallica ... who I have held a grudge against since they dissed Mick once as too old to rock n' roll. Well, no more. After one of their songs they brought out (in the wrong order IMHO) - Lou Reed (Sweet Jane on the TV, White Light/White Heat perhaps on the DVD), Ozzy (Iron Man), and Ray Davies (All Day and All of the Night). For me the Reed bit was the highlight up to the moment. It was the one where I shook the neighbors (the neighborhood?). Metallica finished with Enter Sandman as pictures of an entering put to sleeper - Mariano Rivera - crawled across the background.
They yielded to Stevie Wonder and guests Smokey Robinson, John Legend (featured On Demand but limited in the debut package), Sting, B.B. King and Jeff Beck. Perhaps the highlight is Stevie fighting genuine tears in his Michael Jackson tribute.
On to Paul Simon for some NY roots music. He did his " Call me Al" which featured a full, talented and well displayed band. Simon then brought out Little Anthony & the Imperials followed by Dion DeMucci (the king of NY streets), and then Crosby & Nash to sing Here Comes the Sun "for George." Then ... the necessary, requisite, pairing with Art Garfunkel ... three songs - Sounds of Silence, The Boxer and Bridge over Troubled Waters.
Aretha's turn - some gospel, soul, r & b, joined by Annie Lennox, later Jeff Beck. No respect. wtf.
Metallica ... who I have held a grudge against since they dissed Mick once as too old to rock n' roll. Well, no more. After one of their songs they brought out (in the wrong order IMHO) - Lou Reed (Sweet Jane on the TV, White Light/White Heat perhaps on the DVD), Ozzy (Iron Man), and Ray Davies (All Day and All of the Night). For me the Reed bit was the highlight up to the moment. It was the one where I shook the neighbors (the neighborhood?). Metallica finished with Enter Sandman as pictures of an entering put to sleeper - Mariano Rivera - crawled across the background.

I'm missing an act ... hmm. Time to quit but lets do one more. U2 - with Bruce & Patti Smith on their song - albeit separately styled Because the Night. Then, my highlight for the evening. They did a Stones cover - Gimmee Shelter with Will I Am & Fergie. As the first few chords were hit the crowd began to buzz and eventually roar. It was Mick. Seemingly coming out of the audience at the front of the stage. The 66 year band fronter enjoined the song with as much enthusiasm as ever ... another tour? I doubted it but he can carry the geezers - Watts, Richards; and, if necessary Jeff Beck can spell the drunk. In any case it was a good rendition and a highlight. Time for bed. It looks like it will be the aforementioned Mr. Beck putting me too sleep if thats possible as it is his time in the show. I'm approaching 12 hours (i.e. 80% of my non-sleeping, non-working time of the past 28).
Sorta puts me in mind of the time the mighty 340 Club Juke Box earned $21 bucks in one day. The math - 3 songs for a quarter, 3 minutes to a song - indicated that the juke box had operated for 13 or so hours (or about 70% of that days waking hours). I suppose Mr. Kratzert heard about that day. Speaking of Mr. Kratzert; he is alive and well and managing (or owning) a hotel in East Hempfield Township. Good Night Phil.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Oh yeah ... forgot
I survived my surgery quite well thank you very much. On my late mum's 99th birthday she served as my Guardian Angel and my angioplasty on a lower leg artery worked just fine. Lived to fight another day. Unfortunately, 14 years after my diagnosis ... it will just be the first of a litany of complications of my diabetes. My over/under remains 75 and if I can make it there with both my legs I will have nothing to complain about. - Tee

It was thirty-five years ago today (and it has been referred to twice on this blog already) me, Sil, Slick, Dan and Tim lived at 328 West King Street; the predecessor address to 340. We had been roomies for just over two months. Tom Partridge ("Big") lived up the street on the other side of the square on East King. We drank at Luckees, Lauzus, Barn Door, Wheatland Inn, and the Paragon.
It was a Tuesday. about 11 p.m., on West King. It was, Wednesday, October 30th, about 4:00 a.m., in Kinshasa, Zaire. There was a Rumble in the Jungle.
George Foreman (40-0, with 37 KO's including 24 in a row, most recently Ken Norton and Joe Frazier both of whom had beaten Muhammad Ali, among the other KO victims was George Chuvalo who had fought 27 rounds with Ali while remaining upright)
Muhammad Ali (44-2, with 32 KOs who had fought 51 rounds with Frazier and Norton losing as many rounds as he won and never putting either down ... Foreman had floored the two a combined nine times in less than 11 minutes)
I forget the odds but I do remember they were very similar to the odds when the 19-0 Cassius Clay took on the invincible 35-1 Sonny Liston. In that case, the Champ had destroyed the prior champion Floyd Patterson twice both times inside of one round. Like Foreman, Liston was on a big KO string with 13 in 14 fights. His prior four fights lasted only a total of 13 minutes and one was reffed by Zach Clayton who served as the referee that morning in Zaire. Clayton had previously served as the referee in the Walcott-Charles (4th fight).
As the fight approached the people of Zaire adopted Ali and he was clearly the crowd favorite over Foreman. The fight itself was a strategic masterpiece for Ali. His yet unanmed Rope A Dope tactic proved to be a winner in the 85 degree, 93% humidity of the Congo. Ali captured 5 of the first 7 rounds by making Foreman chase him around the ring, "force" him to the ropes, and then wail away at Ali's arms and body with roundhouse/telegraphed punches, topping off that strategy was Ali punctuating each one of those episodes coming off the ropes with a vengance - particularily - in the last seconds of the round to steal the judges opinion. The strategy worked both on the scorepads and on Foreman's stamina. Remeber Foreman had taken Frazier, Joe Roman, and Norton all out in less than three rounds while Ali was going the distance with Frazier, Rudi Lubbers, and Norton.
Meanwhile back on West King Street; myself, roomate Timmy L, and Big were listening to reports on radio. All three of us white boys rooting for Ali. I assume we were drinking; although it was a Tuesday evening. I was a substitute school teacher at the time and did not have to answer the phone. Tim was an executive at a local manufacturing plant. Big may have been unemployed; I forget. If we weren't drinking, as the clock approached midnight in Lancaster; 5 am in Zaire; we soon would be.
The 8th round appeared no different from the previous seven. Foreman pounding away on Ali. Ali making him pay more often now. Foreman's punches more rounder. More pawing. Ali pushing the back of Foreman's neck down taking his pulse in a manner of speaking. Once the pulse was low enough Ali came firing off the ropes landing long, but effective, punches to Foreman's head. The suddeness of the attack added to the force of the blows and Foreman found his way in a spiral to queer street and to the canvas. Nine seconds later it was all over. It may have been a short count but George didn't complain.
Back in Lancaster, me, Tim and Big exploded out onto King Street. "Ali Boomayay!" In record time we were seated in front of the Lauzus Tavern's proprietor Wilhelm Lauzus. Ordering Carlsberg's in clebration and being rewarded not only with the beguiling brew but with tales of how great Max Schmeling had been. Oh what a night 35 years ago. Mr. Lauzus is gone; Ali has Parkinson's (or perhaps Foreman wasn't the dope after all); Big is dead; Timmy is not 100% and I even felt the scalpel earlier this week. The journey continues. God bless us all.
Monday, October 26, 2009
It Tolls for Thee
Check in hospital, out patient hopefully (overnight at worst unless complications) ... angioplasty/stent in a leg artery. My first - 14 years after diagnosis - visible diabetic symptom. Ultimately the lower leg will have to go. Today is necessary to prolong that time. Peace!
340 forever!
340 forever!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Catholic High 1969 Reunion
Last night and Friday about 45-55 grads huddled together including me, Tee Knorr, and the Red Fox, Danny Joyce, of 340 Club fame. Also, Clacktu, Chris Joyce, attended the Friday football game with me. So, three 340 residents were in action over the weekend.
Dan produced a stellar PowerPoint on the Class of '69. Here is a link:
Needless to say Dan will be charged with producing next year's 340 Club powerpoint.
Dan produced a stellar PowerPoint on the Class of '69. Here is a link:
Needless to say Dan will be charged with producing next year's 340 Club powerpoint.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
10/30/74 Reprised
Glued to the radio, myself, Tim Lutter and Tom Partridge listened intently as Muhammad Ali painted his masterpiece - Rumble in the Jungle - in the wee hours of the morning in Kinshasa, Zaire. Immediately after Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission Chairman (ya learn somethin' every day here folks!) Zack Clayton counted big George Foreman out the three of us were out the door and up West King Street to celebrate with some Carlsbergs at the Lauzus Hotel.
Glued to the radio, myself, Tim Lutter and Tom Partridge listened intently as Muhammad Ali painted his masterpiece - Rumble in the Jungle - in the wee hours of the morning in Kinshasa, Zaire. Immediately after Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission Chairman (ya learn somethin' every day here folks!) Zack Clayton counted big George Foreman out the three of us were out the door and up West King Street to celebrate with some Carlsbergs at the Lauzus Hotel.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tom Partridge, 59
Sad loss in local football officiating community
Tom Partridge, a longtime area football official, died on Saturday just one day after working as an official in Friday's Parkland-Easton game in Orefield. He also worked Thursday's Lehighton-Panther Valley game. According to one of his officiating colleagues, Partridge's tradition was to work as an umpire at the annual Easton-P'burg Thanksgiving game. His son, Joe, was an outstanding running back at Freedom and more recently at East Stroudsburg University.Partridge died of an apparent heart attack. Look for his age in the official obituary, but Tom was believed to be in his upper 50s.From all accounts, he was a good, hard-working, dedicated guy who loved being a part of the local sports scene. Sadly, we take a lot of these people for granted. Officials are a big part of the game, too, and though they may get a gripe here or there, they do a great job for the most part. District 11 officials generally aren't appreciated until they're compared to other districts and states.
Certainly, his loss came as a shock to the tight-knit family of area officials and the extended football family. One night, a guy is up and down the field doing what he loved to do. The next day, he's gone. Partridge will be missed by his officiating family and the local sports community as a whole.
Our sympathies and prayers go out to his family and friends.
Tom Partridge, a longtime area football official, died on Saturday just one day after working as an official in Friday's Parkland-Easton game in Orefield. He also worked Thursday's Lehighton-Panther Valley game. According to one of his officiating colleagues, Partridge's tradition was to work as an umpire at the annual Easton-P'burg Thanksgiving game. His son, Joe, was an outstanding running back at Freedom and more recently at East Stroudsburg University.Partridge died of an apparent heart attack. Look for his age in the official obituary, but Tom was believed to be in his upper 50s.From all accounts, he was a good, hard-working, dedicated guy who loved being a part of the local sports scene. Sadly, we take a lot of these people for granted. Officials are a big part of the game, too, and though they may get a gripe here or there, they do a great job for the most part. District 11 officials generally aren't appreciated until they're compared to other districts and states.
Certainly, his loss came as a shock to the tight-knit family of area officials and the extended football family. One night, a guy is up and down the field doing what he loved to do. The next day, he's gone. Partridge will be missed by his officiating family and the local sports community as a whole.
Our sympathies and prayers go out to his family and friends.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Big ...... dead at 59
Northwestern athletic director Jason Zimmerman has sent out a league-wide e-mail suggesting schools observe a moment of silence at their games on Friday night and Saturday afternoon in honor longtime football official Tom Partridge, who died over the weekend at age 59.
"Many of you remember Tom as one of our outstanding football umpires and Tom also worked our league and District 11 Track & Field Meets," Zimmerman wrote. "I would like to recommend that we hold a moment of silence after the National Anthem at our Varsity Football Games this coming weekend. There is no need to respond, but figure this is the least we could do to honor a man who has dedicated much of his life to high school football. The Lehigh Valley Conference will also be participating in this acknowledgement."
Zim's right on target with this recommendation. People like this who form the fabric of scholastic sports should be recognized when they leave us and to almost the day that he died, Partridge was a very important part of the high school football scene throughout the region.
Sometimes names don't resonate as well as faces. When I saw Partridge's picture in today's paper, his loss hit home even more because while I knew the name, I knew the face much better and this was a guy who enjoyed what he was doing and was always enthusiastic, always happy to be doing his job. I've attended several football officials banquets over the years [always held in November right before Thanksgiving], and remember Partridge at those banquets as being a true character, full of life, full of fun.
It has been said often in the past few days, but we'll say it again: What a sad loss. He will be missed.
"Many of you remember Tom as one of our outstanding football umpires and Tom also worked our league and District 11 Track & Field Meets," Zimmerman wrote. "I would like to recommend that we hold a moment of silence after the National Anthem at our Varsity Football Games this coming weekend. There is no need to respond, but figure this is the least we could do to honor a man who has dedicated much of his life to high school football. The Lehigh Valley Conference will also be participating in this acknowledgement."
Zim's right on target with this recommendation. People like this who form the fabric of scholastic sports should be recognized when they leave us and to almost the day that he died, Partridge was a very important part of the high school football scene throughout the region.
Sometimes names don't resonate as well as faces. When I saw Partridge's picture in today's paper, his loss hit home even more because while I knew the name, I knew the face much better and this was a guy who enjoyed what he was doing and was always enthusiastic, always happy to be doing his job. I've attended several football officials banquets over the years [always held in November right before Thanksgiving], and remember Partridge at those banquets as being a true character, full of life, full of fun.
It has been said often in the past few days, but we'll say it again: What a sad loss. He will be missed.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
No One ... gets outta heya alive
If I knew I was going to live this long I'da taken better care of myself --- the Mick
Kenny, Mitch gone all too soon ... all of us slowed; a couple of cases of prostate cancer among the 340 brethern; a bad ticker on a rowdy boy; a six month sentence for the immortal weather reporter; and now -
Billy from Philly, dead, throat cancer in Philadelphia
Sam Lugar, hospitalized, latter stage lung cancer
God save the Queen! God bless us all!
Kenny, Mitch gone all too soon ... all of us slowed; a couple of cases of prostate cancer among the 340 brethern; a bad ticker on a rowdy boy; a six month sentence for the immortal weather reporter; and now -
Billy from Philly, dead, throat cancer in Philadelphia
Sam Lugar, hospitalized, latter stage lung cancer
God save the Queen! God bless us all!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
REPRISED FROM LAST YEAR: July 4th! Don't you wish it was 1974-84, pick a year
I wouldn't be feeling guilty about it being 2:00 and not having accomplished anything ... I'd be on the 3rd floor listening to the City wake up and perhaps obscuring those sounds with rock n roll ... a Saturday fourth would have meant there was a party last night ... as it was 2:00 Kenny had probably already scaled my stairs and went out the window to the roof ... certainly by now Marty and/or Woody and/or Sam and/or Sports Sunday and/or Jose and/or Coach or more would be bringing in cases or quarts in to the 340 and drinking and cajoling on the porch.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The King of Pop
The 340 Club, particularly the mighty juke, mourns the loss of Michael Jackson. May he find peace. God bless.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Richie Scarlet Live in Philadelphia Saturday August 8

Richie Scarlet Live in Philadelphia Saturday August 8, 2009 Mark your calendars now!
Richie returns to Philly on Saturday, August 8!
The Whiskey Tango is a full service venue with plenty of room to move around (so help us fill it!), with a great stage, full lights and top quality sound. Perfect for one of Richie's high energy shows!
Fans and friends are coming long distances for this show. That's why we scheduled it for a Saturday night, to give you time to travel! This isn't just a show, it's a reunion! See members of The Seducers including Larry Fisher who also played bass with Richie in "Sebastian Bach and friends". Russ Wilson from the Dennis Dunaway Project! And more!
Mark your calendar now and help us spread the word! Richie Scarlet is back in PA on Saturday, August 8!! But most of all...BE THERE!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
In September 1973 Joe Riley and myself, starting at Timmy (and Theresa) Bucher's wedding in Manchester, NH, hitchiked acroos the USA and back. On the night of September 24, 1973 at Pittsburgh's Civic Arena saw the Grateful Dead. If you follow this link - through the genius of AlGore - you can listen th the entire show.
Set 1
The Promised Land
Jack Straw
They Love Each Other
Mexicali Blues
Loose Lucy
Looks Like Rain
Row Jimmy
Big River
China Cat Sunflower ->
I Know You Rider
Around And Around
Set 2
Ramble On Rose
El Paso
Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo
Greatest Story Ever Told
China Doll
Truckin' ->
Nobody's Fault But Mine ->
Jam ->
Eyes Of The World * ->
Weather Report Suite Prelude ->
Weather Report Suite Part ->
Let It Grow *
Sugar Magnolia *
*with Martin Fierro & Joe Ellis on horns
Set 1
The Promised Land
Jack Straw
They Love Each Other
Mexicali Blues
Loose Lucy
Looks Like Rain
Row Jimmy
Big River
China Cat Sunflower ->
I Know You Rider
Around And Around
Set 2
Ramble On Rose
El Paso
Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo
Greatest Story Ever Told
China Doll
Truckin' ->
Nobody's Fault But Mine ->
Jam ->
Eyes Of The World * ->
Weather Report Suite Prelude ->
Weather Report Suite Part ->
Let It Grow *
Sugar Magnolia *
*with Martin Fierro & Joe Ellis on horns
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Mitch Herr, 57

Mitchell C. Herr, 57, of Lancaster, formerly of the 340 Club, 340 West King Street, passed away peacefully on Saturday, May 23, 2009 at Lancaster General Hospital. He was born in Lancaster on March 28, 1952 and was the son of the late Benjamin M. and Margaret (Burkhart) Herr. Mitch attended McCaskey High School. Through the years Mitch was employed by the Howmet Corp., Old Mill Auto, and McFly̢۪s. He was also a roadie for "The Sharks" and "The Bonnie Parker Band." He enjoyed NASCAR racing, listening to music, trips to the mountains, spending time on his computer, and the company of his friends at Maple Farms.
Mitch is survived by brothers, Larry D. and David F. Herr, and a sister, Barbra, married to Lloyd Mitchell. He was preceded in death by a sister, Judith A. Soders who died last week. He is also survived by 14 340 Club residents and scores of 340 Club members and the usual gang of idiots.
A memorial service will be held on Friday, May 29, 2009 at 1 p.m. at Maple Farm Nursing Center, 604 Oak St., Akron, PA. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Lancaster County, P.O. Box 4125, Lancaster, PA 17604-4125. Online condolences may be made through
Mitch has already discovered, despite not being necessary, indeed - contrary to 20th century pop culture - in Heaven there is beer ... he has been partying with Kenny & the Lord since last Saturday.
We miss ya Crazee!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Reunion Postponed
The 3rd periodic 340 Club Reunion, scheduled for November 21, has been postponed until 2010. The decision was reached last night by the trustees of the Club.
"I don't think we should go ahead with a 2009 celebration...There doesn't seem to be a lot of interest. I might not be able to attend anyway with the new job. Perhaps 2010 will be better. It does seem like it was only yesterday when we had the 340 reunion. I think one too soon would be a watered down version cutting into attendance on future gala's. - Phil Zangari, May 6, 2009.
To which young Ted Knorr replied: "Okay"
It was over just that suddenly. 2010 is not that far away and, while a great time was had by all who attended, truth was there were only about 40 guests at the June 2008 bash.
"Good Night Kook"
"I don't think we should go ahead with a 2009 celebration...There doesn't seem to be a lot of interest. I might not be able to attend anyway with the new job. Perhaps 2010 will be better. It does seem like it was only yesterday when we had the 340 reunion. I think one too soon would be a watered down version cutting into attendance on future gala's. - Phil Zangari, May 6, 2009.
To which young Ted Knorr replied: "Okay"
It was over just that suddenly. 2010 is not that far away and, while a great time was had by all who attended, truth was there were only about 40 guests at the June 2008 bash.
"Good Night Kook"
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sad News RE: Billy from Philly
Repost of an important message from Patty Ferrell at 215-295-2271:
Billy Lomax is sick and needs our help and prayers! Billy was diagnosed with throat cancer a few years back, now he's having even greater problems.
Can you help?
A Benefit in his honor to fray medical expenses will be held at...
Philadelphia Police FOP Union Hall
13th and Spring Garden Sts, Philly, PA
Sunday 4/19/09
3pm - 7pm
00/ advance
00/ door
Ticket info: call Patty Ferrell at 215-295-2271 evenings before 9:00pm OR contact her at
Donation info : Billy Lomax Benefit
Police and Fire Federal Credit Union
7500 Castor Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19152
The Benefit includes BEER and FOOD and a chinese auction. Also, impromptu jams from Dino and the Missles and Johnny Rogers are expected.
AND FRIENDS: Billy is taking this time to heal and while he appreciates your love and concern, PLEASE refrain from disturbing him right now.
Billy Lomax is sick and needs our help and prayers! Billy was diagnosed with throat cancer a few years back, now he's having even greater problems.
Can you help?
A Benefit in his honor to fray medical expenses will be held at...
Philadelphia Police FOP Union Hall
13th and Spring Garden Sts, Philly, PA
Sunday 4/19/09
3pm - 7pm
00/ advance
00/ door
Ticket info: call Patty Ferrell at 215-295-2271 evenings before 9:00pm OR contact her at
Donation info : Billy Lomax Benefit
Police and Fire Federal Credit Union
7500 Castor Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19152
The Benefit includes BEER and FOOD and a chinese auction. Also, impromptu jams from Dino and the Missles and Johnny Rogers are expected.
AND FRIENDS: Billy is taking this time to heal and while he appreciates your love and concern, PLEASE refrain from disturbing him right now.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Curator's Corner: The Juke Box (reprinted)
On April 3, 1981, Philip & I purchased a juke box from Ford Amusements, 23 Howard Avenue, for $350. The receipt identifies the juke as a Rockola 432. The receipt appears to identify the salesman as Gene Fuchs (NOTE: In Philip's comment he has identified this person as Gene Fulton). The 340 Club Juke Box served well for years at 340 West King, 338 West King, 48 Seymour, and - after I purchased all shares of ownership of the box - at 47 Glen Oak Drive. Sadly, in its retirement years it now finds itself quite limited but still alive. The 432s were made by Rockola in the late 60s so the Juke Box, almost 37 years in my possession is close to 50 years old. The picture below depicts the Juke Box as it currently stands proudly in my living room.

As a moneymaker the Juke Box was shortlived but paid for itself. It debuted at a party on the day we bought it (could have been April 10th but I can't imagine we waited a week). The juke box was set to need coins to play and three plays cost a quarter. That first evening Phil & I netted $12.10 (or 48 quarters and some drunken loose change). The Juke Box was a fixture for 16 months as a pay for play attraction and more as a novelty - though earning the occasional quarter after that - for the remainder of its life. The last recorded net earnings figure was $771.28 as of 10/10/82.

Here are the top grossing Juke Box Days of all-time
1. Fan Appreciation Day $20.40
2. July 3, 1981 $20.17
3. May 23, 1981 $18.10
4. May Day,1981 $16.30
5. Daylight Savings Time, 1982 $15.80
6. Sheryl's Birthday, 1982 $14.70
7. Valentine's Day, 1982 $13.65
8. Reunion, 1982 $12.60
9. Boycott $12.40
10. May 22, 1981 $12.30
NOTES: On Fan Appreciation Day Phil & I invested $35.32 in beer and/or foodstuff from Juke Box profits; as it turned out - after that nights revenues - it was a $14.92 net investment. F.A.D. held the Saturday record. The July 3rd nite was the Friday record. The Sunday record was $11.15 for a party known as Masada. It coincided with the debut of an ABC TV mini-series about the siege of Masada. Apparently it was self-explanatory and hearing the sound was not too important. To put some of these numbers in perspective and to illustrate how many people came in and out of the 340 on a party nite - the $20.40 found in the Juke after the F.A.D. represented 81 quarters or 243 songs at 3 minutes per song it equates to 12 hours and 9 minutes. Now, assuming 8 hours of sleep (generous I know) leaves 16 waking hours. On that day, the Juke Box was playing a song for 76.5% of all possible waking hours. Nuff ced!!!
On April 3, 1981, Philip & I purchased a juke box from Ford Amusements, 23 Howard Avenue, for $350. The receipt identifies the juke as a Rockola 432. The receipt appears to identify the salesman as Gene Fuchs (NOTE: In Philip's comment he has identified this person as Gene Fulton). The 340 Club Juke Box served well for years at 340 West King, 338 West King, 48 Seymour, and - after I purchased all shares of ownership of the box - at 47 Glen Oak Drive. Sadly, in its retirement years it now finds itself quite limited but still alive. The 432s were made by Rockola in the late 60s so the Juke Box, almost 37 years in my possession is close to 50 years old. The picture below depicts the Juke Box as it currently stands proudly in my living room.
As a moneymaker the Juke Box was shortlived but paid for itself. It debuted at a party on the day we bought it (could have been April 10th but I can't imagine we waited a week). The juke box was set to need coins to play and three plays cost a quarter. That first evening Phil & I netted $12.10 (or 48 quarters and some drunken loose change). The Juke Box was a fixture for 16 months as a pay for play attraction and more as a novelty - though earning the occasional quarter after that - for the remainder of its life. The last recorded net earnings figure was $771.28 as of 10/10/82.
Here are the top grossing Juke Box Days of all-time
1. Fan Appreciation Day $20.40
2. July 3, 1981 $20.17
3. May 23, 1981 $18.10
4. May Day,1981 $16.30
5. Daylight Savings Time, 1982 $15.80
6. Sheryl's Birthday, 1982 $14.70
7. Valentine's Day, 1982 $13.65
8. Reunion, 1982 $12.60
9. Boycott $12.40
10. May 22, 1981 $12.30
NOTES: On Fan Appreciation Day Phil & I invested $35.32 in beer and/or foodstuff from Juke Box profits; as it turned out - after that nights revenues - it was a $14.92 net investment. F.A.D. held the Saturday record. The July 3rd nite was the Friday record. The Sunday record was $11.15 for a party known as Masada. It coincided with the debut of an ABC TV mini-series about the siege of Masada. Apparently it was self-explanatory and hearing the sound was not too important. To put some of these numbers in perspective and to illustrate how many people came in and out of the 340 on a party nite - the $20.40 found in the Juke after the F.A.D. represented 81 quarters or 243 songs at 3 minutes per song it equates to 12 hours and 9 minutes. Now, assuming 8 hours of sleep (generous I know) leaves 16 waking hours. On that day, the Juke Box was playing a song for 76.5% of all possible waking hours. Nuff ced!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Sharks @ Chameleon Club Easter Saturday, April 12th
April 12th is a big night! Tiger will be seeking another Master's title ... HBO has a solid fight card which not includes live bouts but the debut of their Pacheao-Hatton preview series and the premiere of HBO's new documentary on the Thrilla in Manilla. It is also the 1st full weekend of the 2009 baseball season and -
THE SHARKS are doing a show at Lancaster's Chameleon Club ... doors open at 8:00 pm
THE SHARKS are doing a show at Lancaster's Chameleon Club ... doors open at 8:00 pm
Monday, March 23, 2009
Bad to the Bone, Ba Ba Ba Ba Baad
I went to see George last night ... first time in 28 years ... last time was JFK with the Stones and Foreigner just before ol' George did 50 shows, in 50 nights, in 50 states ... just about as cool a trick as has been done in rock annuals ... cept for maybe this one ... he was playing a club in D.C. across the street from another joint when, in the middle of "Madison Blues" (a signature song for both GT and DD and The Nighthawks who happened to be playing at the other spot) he left the stage and carrying his guitar walked across the street to the other club ... in the middle of street he exchanged guitars with the Nighthawk's Jimmy Thackery and the two of them continued their journey's to each other's venues ... with George joining the Nighthawks to comple the blazing blues tune and Thacker doing the same with the Destroyers ... now that is rock n' roll in the key of E!!! The below revue was written by DAVID MALACHOWSKI as a special to the Albany Times Union reviewing a show at The Egg that took place on March 12th. In the interim George played Atlantic City and plays Wilmington tonight, March 23rd. If I was retired I'd be at tonight's show. Alas, back to work tomorrow.
Blues rocker George Thorogood and his Delaware Destroyers came to Harrisburg’s Forum last night before 2200 hard rock, baby boomers (NOTE: anything in italics was edited or written by me) and threw a rock and roll party that proved he’s still bad to the bone.
The opening act was a Memphis based songwriter named Tom Hambridge who proved very competent in his just right six song stint. Then after a brief intermission, the stage darkened and the entire Barry McGuire Eve of Destruction played to a light show. P.J. Sloan’s timeless lyrics evoke 2009 just as much as 1967. When the song ended GT and DD strolled unto the stage and began a rollicking romp through blues infused and just as timeless rock riffs.
Carrying the torch for blues and old time rock for decades now, the nearing 60 guitar slinger showed no visible signs of wear as he played nearly two hours.
Thorogood and his band; drummer Jeff Simon, bassist Billy Blough, guitarist Jim Suhler and saxman Buddy Leach, were dressed head to toe in black and came out in blinding white light, an effect that recalled the extraterrestrials coming off of the mothership in the movie “ET.”
Swinging his black Gibson guitar around like a weapon, Thorogood immediately had the restless, rowdy sold-out crowd in the palm of his hands with hard hitting gems like the thunderous “Who Do You Love,” pounding “Night Time Is The Right Time” and crowd pleaser “I Drink Alone.”
Thorogood then ripped through blistering versions of “One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer” and “Cocaine Blues” as the already ramped up crowd went completely nuts. There wasn’t a whole lot of variation or variety here, but none was called for. The black clad bunch often stood in line and occasionally turned in unison, and the choreography, posing and light cues often seemed too slick, and at times at odds with, well, the blues.
“How about something sophisticated?” Thorogood queried before launching into the simplistic but effective “Get A Haircut,” powered by a snarling guitar. This all led to the big ba ba ba ba “Bad To The Bone,” as some searing slide work powered his signature song.
He then took it up a level with a primitive ride through Hank Williams’ “Move It On Over,” a song he’s been doing for 30 years. At this point, he’s got it down.
For an unexpected second encore, Thorogood came out sans guitar for innuendo laden “Love Doctor.” The gyrating house got on their feet, Thorogood held hands with a lady in the front row, and you had to check the calendar to make sure it wasn’t Saturday night.
The guitar and slide bar came back one more time for “Madison Blues” and after a lengthy jam, Thorogood collapsed on the floor.
His band mates then surrounded him, and pulled him back up to his feet, ala James Brown, as he triumphantly waved good night, and sent the satisfied crowd home as the Star Spangled Banner played. The bookending of the Eve of Destruction and Star Spangled Banner to bracket the show served, along with George’s steadfast fortitude, to show that all is not yet lost in this post-1984 world we live in.
Buddy Guy is here April 16th ... tough call Harrisburg Senators 2009 opener or the old bluesman.
Blues rocker George Thorogood and his Delaware Destroyers came to Harrisburg’s Forum last night before 2200 hard rock, baby boomers (NOTE: anything in italics was edited or written by me) and threw a rock and roll party that proved he’s still bad to the bone.
The opening act was a Memphis based songwriter named Tom Hambridge who proved very competent in his just right six song stint. Then after a brief intermission, the stage darkened and the entire Barry McGuire Eve of Destruction played to a light show. P.J. Sloan’s timeless lyrics evoke 2009 just as much as 1967. When the song ended GT and DD strolled unto the stage and began a rollicking romp through blues infused and just as timeless rock riffs.
Carrying the torch for blues and old time rock for decades now, the nearing 60 guitar slinger showed no visible signs of wear as he played nearly two hours.
Thorogood and his band; drummer Jeff Simon, bassist Billy Blough, guitarist Jim Suhler and saxman Buddy Leach, were dressed head to toe in black and came out in blinding white light, an effect that recalled the extraterrestrials coming off of the mothership in the movie “ET.”
Swinging his black Gibson guitar around like a weapon, Thorogood immediately had the restless, rowdy sold-out crowd in the palm of his hands with hard hitting gems like the thunderous “Who Do You Love,” pounding “Night Time Is The Right Time” and crowd pleaser “I Drink Alone.”
Thorogood then ripped through blistering versions of “One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer” and “Cocaine Blues” as the already ramped up crowd went completely nuts. There wasn’t a whole lot of variation or variety here, but none was called for. The black clad bunch often stood in line and occasionally turned in unison, and the choreography, posing and light cues often seemed too slick, and at times at odds with, well, the blues.
“How about something sophisticated?” Thorogood queried before launching into the simplistic but effective “Get A Haircut,” powered by a snarling guitar. This all led to the big ba ba ba ba “Bad To The Bone,” as some searing slide work powered his signature song.
He then took it up a level with a primitive ride through Hank Williams’ “Move It On Over,” a song he’s been doing for 30 years. At this point, he’s got it down.
For an unexpected second encore, Thorogood came out sans guitar for innuendo laden “Love Doctor.” The gyrating house got on their feet, Thorogood held hands with a lady in the front row, and you had to check the calendar to make sure it wasn’t Saturday night.
The guitar and slide bar came back one more time for “Madison Blues” and after a lengthy jam, Thorogood collapsed on the floor.
His band mates then surrounded him, and pulled him back up to his feet, ala James Brown, as he triumphantly waved good night, and sent the satisfied crowd home as the Star Spangled Banner played. The bookending of the Eve of Destruction and Star Spangled Banner to bracket the show served, along with George’s steadfast fortitude, to show that all is not yet lost in this post-1984 world we live in.
Buddy Guy is here April 16th ... tough call Harrisburg Senators 2009 opener or the old bluesman.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Reporting In
Thank all of you who helped make my 58th birthday memorable.
This year’s walk had two underlining currents that shaped it – the recent Sandy Vito incident and the APBA Baseball Game that I played throughout the day. Those two currents combined, I must admit, age and health (sugar) concerns served – from the top of the mornin’ – to keep me on a relatively straight and narrow path. The planned 17 bar, 24 beer crawl never really got off the ground and the ultimate 11 bar, 17 beer, result was surprisingly satisfying, refreshing and surely less painful in the morning. Also, I didn’t wander away from you, my friends; or get lost, or lose items, or get in any trouble. That meant that I woke up with a clear conscience and no haunting memories that are never verified or refuted.
This year’s crawl was so relatively sober yet still a great time with good people that my early (after all, St. Patty’s Day 2010 is only 364 days away) planning targets a similar 12/18 pace. I hope to see all of you then.
38th Annual Saint Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl
March 17, 2009 Harrisburg, PA
Garrason’s (Beverly) 2
The Tap Room (Calobe, Lionel, Gary) 1
Wanda’s (Calobe, Lionel) 2
Shady McGrady’s (Brian, Gary) 1
Firehouse (Suzy, Dave, Gary) 1
Zembies (Dave, Gary, Shawn) 1
Spice (Dave, Gary, Shawn) 1
The Pep Grille (Schen & Jim, Keith & Lou) 3
Scott’s (Keith & Lou, and Melanie?) 1
St. Moritz (James) 2
Rookies (James, Elaine) 2
Safe at Home 0.124% versus the planned 0.273%!
As for the ballgame, Yahweh’s Yankees (11-10) defeated the Paradise Pythians (6-15) by a 7-1 score. Christy Mathewson was star of the game with a solid 9 inning performance permitting only an Oscar Charleston home run. Other stars were Jud Wilson who went 3 for 5, with two doubles, a homer, three runs scored and three knocked in, and Jimmy Collins, 2 for 4, two runs and a pair of doubles. .
This year’s walk had two underlining currents that shaped it – the recent Sandy Vito incident and the APBA Baseball Game that I played throughout the day. Those two currents combined, I must admit, age and health (sugar) concerns served – from the top of the mornin’ – to keep me on a relatively straight and narrow path. The planned 17 bar, 24 beer crawl never really got off the ground and the ultimate 11 bar, 17 beer, result was surprisingly satisfying, refreshing and surely less painful in the morning. Also, I didn’t wander away from you, my friends; or get lost, or lose items, or get in any trouble. That meant that I woke up with a clear conscience and no haunting memories that are never verified or refuted.
This year’s crawl was so relatively sober yet still a great time with good people that my early (after all, St. Patty’s Day 2010 is only 364 days away) planning targets a similar 12/18 pace. I hope to see all of you then.
38th Annual Saint Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl
March 17, 2009 Harrisburg, PA
Garrason’s (Beverly) 2
The Tap Room (Calobe, Lionel, Gary) 1
Wanda’s (Calobe, Lionel) 2
Shady McGrady’s (Brian, Gary) 1
Firehouse (Suzy, Dave, Gary) 1
Zembies (Dave, Gary, Shawn) 1
Spice (Dave, Gary, Shawn) 1
The Pep Grille (Schen & Jim, Keith & Lou) 3
Scott’s (Keith & Lou, and Melanie?) 1
St. Moritz (James) 2
Rookies (James, Elaine) 2
Safe at Home 0.124% versus the planned 0.273%!
As for the ballgame, Yahweh’s Yankees (11-10) defeated the Paradise Pythians (6-15) by a 7-1 score. Christy Mathewson was star of the game with a solid 9 inning performance permitting only an Oscar Charleston home run. Other stars were Jud Wilson who went 3 for 5, with two doubles, a homer, three runs scored and three knocked in, and Jimmy Collins, 2 for 4, two runs and a pair of doubles. .
Monday, March 16, 2009
The Feast Day
This post originally appeared one year ago ... it has been updated but basically the song remains the same. As last year the post must and obviously is dedicated to the memory of the very alive but missing Accu Jack Kelly. Enjoy!
Happy Birthday to me! Top of the Mornin’ to the World! O’Bama for President!
Erin go Bragh! God Bless us all! Long live the 340!
Today I walk for the 38th time in Paddy O’Neill’s [Me mum’s an O’Neill and me middle name is Patrick, hence Paddy O’Neill] Saint Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl. Several of the previous forays have emanated from the 340 Club, to wit:
1975, the only 328 Club birthday, it was a Monday which given the fact that, as a substitute teacher, I worked when I wanted to this one was likely a doozy with my birthday not too distinguishable from any of the days of that weekend, say, Friday, March 14th through late Tuesday afternoon.
1976, a Wednesday, the initial 340 Club St. Pat’s, I’m sure I taught school that day in Columbia and enjoyed a relatively sober evening walk. No School, of course, on the 18th.
1977, a Thursday, 340 Club, this classic was chronicled earlier and famously on the blog. Perhaps the pinnacle of Patty’s Day events for me. Probably put a half day in at City Hall and then got tuned up for Tim Kelly’s party (where I got lucky with #25). The next day is was off to NYC and a weekend adventure with Accu Jack Kelly, Tim’s brother, which eventually led to an encounter with one of the Big Apple’s finest professionals (#26) this side of The Emperor’s Club.
1978, a Friday, 340 Club, given the festive mood at the Club those days this also musta been a classic kick out the jams sort of affair.
Sadly, 1979 and 1980 the 340 was dark and the walk began elsewhere. Nonetheless memorable, beer, sex (#46) and rock n’ roll was present.
1981, a Tuesday, was a joyous, triumphant tour de force of which no memories, notes or records exist. The memories were probably gone along with the brain cells.
1982, a Wednesday, 340 Club, no memory, no notes. All I can say about these early 80s walks is “these were the days of Accu Jack Kelly (and Michael Hauck)". These, despite the lack of testimony, were spectacular affairs.
1983, a Thursday, final 340 Club start, got laid (#107)
1984, a Saturday, just prior to the fall of the 338, no notes or memories.
So, there you have it; there were eight dates in 340 Club history where the Pub Crawl began at the various 340 Clubs; today is the second to begin at the virtual 340 Club. It all begins in about 14 hours … for the 12th straight year it will be in Harrisburg; here is this year’s lineup:
1:00 1 Garrason’s
2:15 2 The Tap Room
2:30 3 Wanda’s
2:45 4 Al’s Café
3:00 5 Shady McGrady’s
3:20 6 Midtown
3:40 7 Zephyr
4:00 8 Firehouse
4:20 9 Quarters
4:40 10 Mars
5:00 11 Sawyers
6:00 12 The Pep Grille
6:45 13 Molly Brannigan’s
7:30 14 McGrath’s
8:15 15 Ceolta’s
9:00 16 St. Moritz
10:00 17 Mercados
Happy Birthday to me! Top of the Mornin’ to the World! O’Bama for President!
Erin go Bragh! God Bless us all! Long live the 340!
Today I walk for the 38th time in Paddy O’Neill’s [Me mum’s an O’Neill and me middle name is Patrick, hence Paddy O’Neill] Saint Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl. Several of the previous forays have emanated from the 340 Club, to wit:
1975, the only 328 Club birthday, it was a Monday which given the fact that, as a substitute teacher, I worked when I wanted to this one was likely a doozy with my birthday not too distinguishable from any of the days of that weekend, say, Friday, March 14th through late Tuesday afternoon.
1976, a Wednesday, the initial 340 Club St. Pat’s, I’m sure I taught school that day in Columbia and enjoyed a relatively sober evening walk. No School, of course, on the 18th.
1977, a Thursday, 340 Club, this classic was chronicled earlier and famously on the blog. Perhaps the pinnacle of Patty’s Day events for me. Probably put a half day in at City Hall and then got tuned up for Tim Kelly’s party (where I got lucky with #25). The next day is was off to NYC and a weekend adventure with Accu Jack Kelly, Tim’s brother, which eventually led to an encounter with one of the Big Apple’s finest professionals (#26) this side of The Emperor’s Club.
1978, a Friday, 340 Club, given the festive mood at the Club those days this also musta been a classic kick out the jams sort of affair.
Sadly, 1979 and 1980 the 340 was dark and the walk began elsewhere. Nonetheless memorable, beer, sex (#46) and rock n’ roll was present.
1981, a Tuesday, was a joyous, triumphant tour de force of which no memories, notes or records exist. The memories were probably gone along with the brain cells.
1982, a Wednesday, 340 Club, no memory, no notes. All I can say about these early 80s walks is “these were the days of Accu Jack Kelly (and Michael Hauck)". These, despite the lack of testimony, were spectacular affairs.
1983, a Thursday, final 340 Club start, got laid (#107)
1984, a Saturday, just prior to the fall of the 338, no notes or memories.
So, there you have it; there were eight dates in 340 Club history where the Pub Crawl began at the various 340 Clubs; today is the second to begin at the virtual 340 Club. It all begins in about 14 hours … for the 12th straight year it will be in Harrisburg; here is this year’s lineup:
1:00 1 Garrason’s
2:15 2 The Tap Room
2:30 3 Wanda’s
2:45 4 Al’s Café
3:00 5 Shady McGrady’s
3:20 6 Midtown
3:40 7 Zephyr
4:00 8 Firehouse
4:20 9 Quarters
4:40 10 Mars
5:00 11 Sawyers
6:00 12 The Pep Grille
6:45 13 Molly Brannigan’s
7:30 14 McGrath’s
8:15 15 Ceolta’s
9:00 16 St. Moritz
10:00 17 Mercados
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I post, periodically, to two Blogs. One, the virtual 340 Club (, is a nostalgic, but hopefully fresh, reminiscence of times gone by – 25 to 35 years ago – from my youth. The other, the Glory of their Times (,is a series of reports on simulated baseball games that take place of a 154 game season that purportedly takes place in Heaven. This post that you are now reading is the first that I have posted to both Blogs simultaneously. It is about an event that takes place in the present which means it doesn’t fit either the historic or the simulated historic settings of either. The topic of this post is next Tuesday, March 17th, Saint Patrick’s Day, my 58th birthday. I want to share details of how I plan to spend the day and invite you to participate. This is the first post that is appearing simultaneously on both of my blogs. It relates to the 340 Club due to its obvious nod to the sophomoric pastime of drinking – binge drinking, heavy drinking (permit me to inject here this caveat – don’t try this at home kids). It belongs to the baseball blog because, this year, the theme of the day – other than celebration of me and faux Gaelic heritage – is a single, simulated baseball game that I will play throughout the day. Thus, both this post – and the inevitable follow-up – is pertinent to both Blogs.
As for next Tuesday, here is my schedule; feel free to join me after lunch:
7:00 am – shit, shower, shave and play the top half of the first inning of a game between Yahweh’s Yankees (with Ruth & Gehrig) versus the Paradise Pythons (with Rap Dixon & Oscar Charleston).
8:00-1:00 – I will be hard at work for the taxpayers of the Commonwealth managing two tax credit programs – with almost $100 million dollars of program funds between them annually – and putting things in good order. I will also play the bottom half of the first.
1:00 – My lady, Beverly, will treat me to a birthday lunch and my first beer. I will also play the top of the second. She will then straighten my tie, wish me luck, say a prayer and turn me out for my twisted stroll home. I celebrate my birthday annually be simply walking home. This being my 38th such meander.
2:11 – This is where you come in (or let’s put it this way, this is where you are invited), 2nd beer is scheduled for The Tap Room up on Third Street, Harrisburg. End of two.
2:30 Wanda’s … the Yankees, by the way, are sending the Big Six, the Great Matty, Christy Mathewson (2-2) to the mound. The Pythians will counter with the legendary Leon Day (1-3).
2:45 Al’s … avoiding the whores it is now 1/3 of the way through.
3:00 Shady McGrady’s … one of the best beer collections in the burg.
3:20 Midtown Tavern … interesting I’m only three blocks from home but clearly headed – figuratively and geographically – headed in the wrong direction. That’s four innings in the books folks.
3:40 get it – THREE FORTY! … Firehouse … we’re on Two Street now approaching the heart of the City –Restaurant Row.
4:00 Zephyr – a qwik detour and, in case you’re keeping score: an official game. It’s pretty wet now also; if game is called it will kount.
4:30 Quarters … and then perhaps Mars or perhaps not
5:00 Sawyers … dinner … rest, fuel, more beer, shelter, nice view of Two
6:00 The Pep Grille … perhaps a stop on this tour for more years than any other spot on the route … 7 down
7:00 Molly Brannigan’s
7:30 McGrath’s
8:00 Ceolta’s
I lump those three together here because, at best, they will be lumped together the next day in memory … more likely, at worst of course they will be lost to memory … perhaps McGrath’s door Nazis will not let me enter … I’ve suffered that fate in the past … if I do find entrance to any of them; it will be time for the 7th inning stretch.
9:00 St. Moritz … no whores here, well um maybe; pretty ladies for sure … top of the 9th
9:30 Mercados … a quick beer – my 24th (a case) if I’m on target – post game show live from Third Street … three blocks from home again except this time I will be fast headed there.
10:00 Home Sweet Home … thank you Jesus … to bed … half dressed, half strewn … open beer on table … Birthday cards asunder … zzz
On Wednesday, March 18th, somewhere around 10 or so I shall return to life and begin a new year of better behavior, healthier living, posting more frequently, focusing at work, being responsible to daughter, God son and his mom whom you met in this Blog yesterday at lunch. I will also, presuming I have retained possession and further presuming legibility, record the results of the Yankees-Pythians game.
As for next Tuesday, here is my schedule; feel free to join me after lunch:
7:00 am – shit, shower, shave and play the top half of the first inning of a game between Yahweh’s Yankees (with Ruth & Gehrig) versus the Paradise Pythons (with Rap Dixon & Oscar Charleston).
8:00-1:00 – I will be hard at work for the taxpayers of the Commonwealth managing two tax credit programs – with almost $100 million dollars of program funds between them annually – and putting things in good order. I will also play the bottom half of the first.
1:00 – My lady, Beverly, will treat me to a birthday lunch and my first beer. I will also play the top of the second. She will then straighten my tie, wish me luck, say a prayer and turn me out for my twisted stroll home. I celebrate my birthday annually be simply walking home. This being my 38th such meander.
2:11 – This is where you come in (or let’s put it this way, this is where you are invited), 2nd beer is scheduled for The Tap Room up on Third Street, Harrisburg. End of two.
2:30 Wanda’s … the Yankees, by the way, are sending the Big Six, the Great Matty, Christy Mathewson (2-2) to the mound. The Pythians will counter with the legendary Leon Day (1-3).
2:45 Al’s … avoiding the whores it is now 1/3 of the way through.
3:00 Shady McGrady’s … one of the best beer collections in the burg.
3:20 Midtown Tavern … interesting I’m only three blocks from home but clearly headed – figuratively and geographically – headed in the wrong direction. That’s four innings in the books folks.
3:40 get it – THREE FORTY! … Firehouse … we’re on Two Street now approaching the heart of the City –Restaurant Row.
4:00 Zephyr – a qwik detour and, in case you’re keeping score: an official game. It’s pretty wet now also; if game is called it will kount.
4:30 Quarters … and then perhaps Mars or perhaps not
5:00 Sawyers … dinner … rest, fuel, more beer, shelter, nice view of Two
6:00 The Pep Grille … perhaps a stop on this tour for more years than any other spot on the route … 7 down
7:00 Molly Brannigan’s
7:30 McGrath’s
8:00 Ceolta’s
I lump those three together here because, at best, they will be lumped together the next day in memory … more likely, at worst of course they will be lost to memory … perhaps McGrath’s door Nazis will not let me enter … I’ve suffered that fate in the past … if I do find entrance to any of them; it will be time for the 7th inning stretch.
9:00 St. Moritz … no whores here, well um maybe; pretty ladies for sure … top of the 9th
9:30 Mercados … a quick beer – my 24th (a case) if I’m on target – post game show live from Third Street … three blocks from home again except this time I will be fast headed there.
10:00 Home Sweet Home … thank you Jesus … to bed … half dressed, half strewn … open beer on table … Birthday cards asunder … zzz
On Wednesday, March 18th, somewhere around 10 or so I shall return to life and begin a new year of better behavior, healthier living, posting more frequently, focusing at work, being responsible to daughter, God son and his mom whom you met in this Blog yesterday at lunch. I will also, presuming I have retained possession and further presuming legibility, record the results of the Yankees-Pythians game.
Friday, March 6, 2009
There once was a girl named Maria
Do you remember 1969? We were so baad we had to do our senior play twice with two separate casts of leads. I was only in the audience but I remember it well. Tonight I just got in from seeing my Godson David's excellent senior year production of "My Favorite Year" a musical farce about a fictional appearance by Errol Flynn (Allen Swann in the play) on the Sid Caesar (King Kaiser)Show of Shows (Komedy Kavalcade) in 1954. It was very well done and the greasepaint and enthusiasm reminded me of West Side Story in 1969.
Upon my return to the house, after walking Max (I'm babysitting a great big Great Dane this weekend) I was delighted to find a message on my phone from Claatu. It would be great to have him yell up the stairs just one more time.
See all of you on November 21.
Upon my return to the house, after walking Max (I'm babysitting a great big Great Dane this weekend) I was delighted to find a message on my phone from Claatu. It would be great to have him yell up the stairs just one more time.
See all of you on November 21.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Theme from an Imaginary Concert
DISCLAIMER: the key word in the title being imaginary
Theme from an Imaginary Concert
Pucillo Gymnasium
Millersville, PA
November 14, 2009
8:00 Fear Nuttin’ Band, Hamburg, Germany featuring Rudy Valentino
9:00 White Fire, Long Island, NY featuring Bonnie Parker
10:00 Blue Scarlet Coupe, NY, NY featuring Richie Scarlet
11:00 The Bonnie Parker Band featuring Billy from Philly
We'd pay any price but could we fill Pucillo at $20 a pop? Hmmmmm, if I had Egan's or Senkowski's money I'd take the risk.
DISCLAIMER: Again, the key word being imaginary.
Theme from an Imaginary Concert
Pucillo Gymnasium
Millersville, PA
November 14, 2009
8:00 Fear Nuttin’ Band, Hamburg, Germany featuring Rudy Valentino
9:00 White Fire, Long Island, NY featuring Bonnie Parker
10:00 Blue Scarlet Coupe, NY, NY featuring Richie Scarlet
11:00 The Bonnie Parker Band featuring Billy from Philly
We'd pay any price but could we fill Pucillo at $20 a pop? Hmmmmm, if I had Egan's or Senkowski's money I'd take the risk.
DISCLAIMER: Again, the key word being imaginary.
What are you doing March 1?
Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?

On Valentine’s Day, I headed north to New York; just above the Bronx, above Yonkers, south of White Plains, just 15 miles from Connecticut … 230 miles in all. It was a nice 3 ½ hour trip with my lady, Beverly. She is a trooper, no doubt; this wan’t no disco; no r & b show. This was hard – albeit blues infused – rock n’ roll. We were going to see The Richie Scarlet Band.
As readers of this blog know, Scarlet was one of the twin lead guitars of the greatest club band of the 340 Club era (IMHO of any era) – the Bonnie Parker Band. Together with Rudy Valentino they provided the guitar front to a tight, four piece, rock band that featured Billy “from Philly” Lomax on drums and rock’s Queen - Bonnie Parker - herself, on bass guitar. While Billy resides in parts unknown (at least to my knowledge); Bonnie still rocks with an all-female band called “Tang” and occasionally with a band called “White Fire”, Rudy is now a reggae artist with a great band known as “FNB or Fear Nuttin Band”, that calls Hamburg Germany home. Richie works with several rock icons – Leslie West & Corky Laing with Mountain, Ace Frehly and others. Last night, – February 20th – at the Stone Pony, Asbury Park, New Jersey where the Boss used to roam, Richie’s band was called Blue Scarlet Coupe! Think about. Wait for it … as in drummer Albert Bouchard of Blue Oyster Cult, bassist Dennis Dunaway of the original Alice Cooper Band and of course the Emperor himself, Richie Scarlet. Surly the band sampled all three root bands music.
But, I digress. Back to Valentine’s Day. Beverly & I hit town in the afternoon after a nice drive. Baldwin Place is a tiny crossroads of a hamlet. I managed to find a church and went to mass; while my lady friend took a nap in preparation for a nite of rock. We had dinner reservations at PJ’s at 8:30 and we were on time. A two hour dinner, drinks and then two sets of hard rock is what was expected. The dinner didn’t disappoint a pair of New York strips, salad, coupla veggies, a white zin and some beers. It was Valentine’s so just before the arrival of the red meat, we exchanged cards. I opened hers (to me) first; it was a very thoughtful singing card featuring “As Time Goes By” from the movie Casablanca. I then gave her mine. Mine was contained in a nice red envelope that obviously was much larger than the card it contained which it turned out wasn’t a Valentine’s Day card at all but a leftover Christmas Card. It turned out I had somehow lost the Valentine’s Day card. Needless to say Beverly wasn’t happy with it but, alas, it was Valentine’s Day and sentiment trumped protocol.
As for the show, Joe DiMaggio once explained why he busted his tail on every play in every game: “You never know, there might be someone sitting in those stands that never saw me play before.” Well, I wish Richie would have followed that same philosophy regarding hitting the stage on time that night (or even almost on time). For my lady friend had never seen him play before and when, after the band and stage were set by the scheduled showtime of 10:30, Richie finally hit the stage guitar blazing at 11:27 I’m afraid all Beverly wanted to do was take her cotton stuffed ears to the motel. Thankfully, like I said earlier, she is tough and we stayed for a set.
… and what a set it was! Again, a fully packed bar, well over the fire code limits, I’d say close to 300 in a room built for half that with a stage set on 12” risers where a pool table had sat earlier. Richie entered from a side door adjacent to the stage already riffin’ with a wireless guitar. He hit the stage white hot and clearly was in his element. He opened up with an instrumental from one of his albums that allowed him to show his range. Gratefully, although aren’t all rock classics?, it was rooted in blues; a glance at Beverly quickly told me, sadly, that the mood was gone and Richie had lost the one new fan that I brought. But not me … having not seen the Emperor of Rock in over 25 years I was gleefully bopping to the chords which Richie punctuating by reaching skyward and turning off & on the beer advertisement lighting over where the billiards table once was. The group – drummer, bass, and keyboards and Richie’s guitars – then went into “Eastbound Train”, a RSB original and I edged closer to the “pit” in front of the stage. I had let Richie know I would be in attendance but wasn’t sure if he would even remember me or who I felt I was representing (i.e. you guys and the mighty 340 Club). The band eased into a Mountain (whom Richie often plays with) classic: “Theme from an Imaginary Western” allowing the other players to shine although culminating in Richie’s screaming sound. In case you are wondering folks he is 3.14159265 times better than in 1982. Now, clearly in the throes of the finale of the initial set I made my way down in front holding a 340 Club tee shirt, a couple of pins, a 340 Club card and a program from last year’s reunion. I stood in amazement watching Richie work the guitar, listening to the rock inferno. I caught Richie’s eyes on occasion but no recognition. I suppose I stood out, a 58 year old, balding, suited man with sneakers on and a 340 Club tee shirt. Finally, I unfurled the shirt I had for Richie and displayed it for him to see. A big grin, unmistakably recognizing the shirt & the memories of clubbing in Lancaster, PA, 25-30 years earlier in the Emperor’s life must have ran through his head. He gave me an acknowledging nod and sprang off the stage at me. For a fleeting second I was flattered beyond belief – here in mid song Richie was getting off the stage to say hello to me?! Uh, well no … not exactly but he did permit me to help boost him off the pit floor onto the bar we here simply continued the song while traipsing along the bar as the crowd went completely crazy. Off the bar back onto the stage to complete the number and then, despite my paws on him and my pleadings: “Richie, Richie.” He was off like a dirty shirt. I gave my package of 340 goodies to a roadie and Beverly & I were also off by a different door. The set was spectacular; I regret not staying. I further regret not making last night’s show in Asbury Park but I do know … I shall see Richie again. After all, we’re putting the band back together.
March 1, 2009 3-7PM @ Mulcahy's Wantagh, East Meadow, Long Island. Benefit for "Natalie Ciappa, Not My Child", 6 bands including White Fire w/ Bonnie Parker, Vixen, Randy Jackson & more ... food, raffles, all for a great cause!! Get all kids off drugs!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Lady ashore
enjoy this quick tail end of a bass solo
If I ever win the lottery I'm putting the band back together ... one night ... one night only - Bonnie, Richie (excellent last night; review to come), Rudy, and Billy from Philly ... all still in the biz and functioning at top of game ... well, not sure wherebouts of Billy Lomax. I think $10,000 could do it and we would recoup some. November 21st? Unless someone gets very lucky or some guy/gal with money remembers
If I ever win the lottery I'm putting the band back together ... one night ... one night only - Bonnie, Richie (excellent last night; review to come), Rudy, and Billy from Philly ... all still in the biz and functioning at top of game ... well, not sure wherebouts of Billy Lomax. I think $10,000 could do it and we would recoup some. November 21st? Unless someone gets very lucky or some guy/gal with money remembers
Thursday, February 12, 2009
T Minus Situation
I have not seen the magic quartet that I knew as the Bonnie Parker band in over a quarter centruy. Bonne Parker, the mean old Queen; Richie Scarlet, guitarist extraordinaire: Rudy Valentino, a chic magnet if there ever was one challenged Richie lick for lick; and, in the kitchen, keeping the band together, Billy "from Philly" Lomax on drums. While the band had some variants on drums and even on guitar it was these four that fuel my memory of the greatest cover band; the greatest bar band of all-time.
Now, I am only days, nay - I'm only hours away from seeing one of them again. My babe and myself are going to see the Richie Scarlet Band on Valentine's Day at PJs in Baldwin Place, NY.
T- minus 39 hours till we hit the road!
T -minus 50 1/2 hours till Richie hits the stage!
I will be presenting Richie with a 340 Club card, buttons, program and tee shirt.
Now, I am only days, nay - I'm only hours away from seeing one of them again. My babe and myself are going to see the Richie Scarlet Band on Valentine's Day at PJs in Baldwin Place, NY.
T- minus 39 hours till we hit the road!
T -minus 50 1/2 hours till Richie hits the stage!
I will be presenting Richie with a 340 Club card, buttons, program and tee shirt.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Welcome to the 340 Club (Reprised)
Lancaster, Pennsylvania ... the seventies, downtown, 340 West King Street, three blocks from Penn Square - the city's center - a three story house inhabited by five virile young men. Sex, beer, rock n roll. As the landlord described it: "extreme disorganized and general misconduct."
This blog seeks your assistance in planning a commemoration, a reunion if you will, a celebration of the 340 Club. Accordingly, this is your blog. As a former resident, 340 Club cardholder, or someone who lived in the Red Rose City in the 70s who has fond memories of late nights and/or early mornings at the 340 please feel free to make your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas known as this bash is planned. Visit this blog often. It is a tool to promote, coordinate, communicate, facilitate and plan a celebration that commemorates, celebrates, touts, and reminisces about the 340 Club. The gathering is tentatively scheduled for June 6th and 7th, 2008, in Lancaster, PA. Presently and tentatively, the weekend shapes up as follows:
June 6, 2008 - $27 will get you a game ticket and a picnic ticket to an Atlantic Baseball League contest between the York Revolution and the Lancaster Barnstormers at Clipper Stadium. Prior and during the game there will be a two-hour, all you can eat, buffet picnic at Coors Light Picnic Pavilion featuring: BBQ Chicken, Grilled Hamburgers, Kunzler Hot Dogs, Deli Salad, Baked Beans, Corn on the Cob, Potato Chips, Cookies and Assorted Fountain Sodas. Unfortunately the beer will need to be purchased separately. After the game I feel confident that the gang will retreat to a local pub to continue quaffing the golden beverage.
June 7, 2008 - an evolving bash that at that will be put on at cost (likely, $20) that will feature beer (free), munchies, DJ, and more. In addition there will be features and specialties that the 340 Club was known for. It is this event for which this Blog seeks your input. What do you see as a 2008 340 Club Party? In an ideal world, we would rent 340 West King Street in Lancaster and convene sometime around 2 am on Saturday morning with everyone bringing enough beer and munchies to get us through to daybreak when we would break for a bit until gathering again that afternoon when we would watch sports on TV and nap to prepare for doing it again Saturday night. Alas, due to many factors this is not possible so we need to find a place and plan a realistic resemblance of such a party.
To that extent please help us out with both party ideas as well as sharing your reminiscences of the 340 Club.
Lancaster, Pennsylvania ... the seventies, downtown, 340 West King Street, three blocks from Penn Square - the city's center - a three story house inhabited by five virile young men. Sex, beer, rock n roll. As the landlord described it: "extreme disorganized and general misconduct."
This blog seeks your assistance in planning a commemoration, a reunion if you will, a celebration of the 340 Club. Accordingly, this is your blog. As a former resident, 340 Club cardholder, or someone who lived in the Red Rose City in the 70s who has fond memories of late nights and/or early mornings at the 340 please feel free to make your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas known as this bash is planned. Visit this blog often. It is a tool to promote, coordinate, communicate, facilitate and plan a celebration that commemorates, celebrates, touts, and reminisces about the 340 Club. The gathering is tentatively scheduled for June 6th and 7th, 2008, in Lancaster, PA. Presently and tentatively, the weekend shapes up as follows:
June 6, 2008 - $27 will get you a game ticket and a picnic ticket to an Atlantic Baseball League contest between the York Revolution and the Lancaster Barnstormers at Clipper Stadium. Prior and during the game there will be a two-hour, all you can eat, buffet picnic at Coors Light Picnic Pavilion featuring: BBQ Chicken, Grilled Hamburgers, Kunzler Hot Dogs, Deli Salad, Baked Beans, Corn on the Cob, Potato Chips, Cookies and Assorted Fountain Sodas. Unfortunately the beer will need to be purchased separately. After the game I feel confident that the gang will retreat to a local pub to continue quaffing the golden beverage.
June 7, 2008 - an evolving bash that at that will be put on at cost (likely, $20) that will feature beer (free), munchies, DJ, and more. In addition there will be features and specialties that the 340 Club was known for. It is this event for which this Blog seeks your input. What do you see as a 2008 340 Club Party? In an ideal world, we would rent 340 West King Street in Lancaster and convene sometime around 2 am on Saturday morning with everyone bringing enough beer and munchies to get us through to daybreak when we would break for a bit until gathering again that afternoon when we would watch sports on TV and nap to prepare for doing it again Saturday night. Alas, due to many factors this is not possible so we need to find a place and plan a realistic resemblance of such a party.
To that extent please help us out with both party ideas as well as sharing your reminiscences of the 340 Club.
I realize I'm a little premature but I am very excited about my upcoming Valentine's Day that I could not wait to share it.The 340 Club's houseband, although they never played there (cept perhaps for some strumming of Phil's guitar), was - at least in the early to mid-life of the abode - was the Bonnie Parker Band. Even the beloved housepuppy was named Scarlet after guitarist Richie Scarlet. After virtually every Bonnie Parker show at The Village there was a mega party at the 340 Club.
Drummer Billy (from Philly) Lomax is whereabouts unknown to the best of my knowledge. Bonnie, herself, is fleeting. I believe she plays in a band called Tang and just may be stateside in the Long Island area. Rudy Valentino is in Hamburg making beautiful reggae with associated sistas. That leaves the Emperor of Rock - Richie Scarlet, the man, the music, the guitar. Well, Richie is still very active in the international rock n' roll music scene playing with Ace Frehly, Lesley West, Albert Bouchard or Dennis Dunway or his own Richie Scarlet Band.
It turns out they have a gig next Saturday, Valentine's Day, in Westchester County, NY. It further turns out that my lady friend, Beverly, and I are going to celebrate Valentine's Day at the show. Four hour trip to Baldwin Place, NY. Check in, go to mass, romantic dinner, followed by the hardest edged rock n' roll on the east coast.
I will be taking 340 Club buttons, t-shirt, and program to Richie and hope to exchange pleasantries with the Emperor for the first time in 25 years. Whether I am invited or inclined to worm remains to be seen.
Drummer Billy (from Philly) Lomax is whereabouts unknown to the best of my knowledge. Bonnie, herself, is fleeting. I believe she plays in a band called Tang and just may be stateside in the Long Island area. Rudy Valentino is in Hamburg making beautiful reggae with associated sistas. That leaves the Emperor of Rock - Richie Scarlet, the man, the music, the guitar. Well, Richie is still very active in the international rock n' roll music scene playing with Ace Frehly, Lesley West, Albert Bouchard or Dennis Dunway or his own Richie Scarlet Band.
It turns out they have a gig next Saturday, Valentine's Day, in Westchester County, NY. It further turns out that my lady friend, Beverly, and I are going to celebrate Valentine's Day at the show. Four hour trip to Baldwin Place, NY. Check in, go to mass, romantic dinner, followed by the hardest edged rock n' roll on the east coast.
I will be taking 340 Club buttons, t-shirt, and program to Richie and hope to exchange pleasantries with the Emperor for the first time in 25 years. Whether I am invited or inclined to worm remains to be seen.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Boss
didja see the Boss? on my 1989 vintage Zenith ... it rocked ... might not be a flat screen but damn those Bose speakers still sound state of the art!!! perhaps the best rock n' roll on network TV ever; certainly none that haven't been introduced by Ed Sullivan ... 12 minutes
God Bless Barack Obama! God Bless the US of A!!
What are you doin' for Valentines Day? huh ... I'm going (weather permitting) to Westchester County New Yawk to see the Richie Scarlet Band ... 340!!!
God Bless Barack Obama! God Bless the US of A!!
What are you doin' for Valentines Day? huh ... I'm going (weather permitting) to Westchester County New Yawk to see the Richie Scarlet Band ... 340!!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
I want to wish all of you and your family & friends a blessed 2009. I miss all of you and think of you often as I await someone to come switch kegs. This one's been empty since June. Tee tells me we are going to do it again in November. I hope so but I don't want to wait that long for a beer.
The 340 Club Kegman
I want to wish all of you and your family & friends a blessed 2009. I miss all of you and think of you often as I await someone to come switch kegs. This one's been empty since June. Tee tells me we are going to do it again in November. I hope so but I don't want to wait that long for a beer.
The 340 Club Kegman
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